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Samsung Galaxy S - Kernel

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Bevor Ihr mit dem Flashen beginnt, solltet Ihr die Anleitung erst bis zum Ende durchlesen!

Durch das Flashen einer inoffiziellen Firmware-Version (das sind alle die Samsung nicht selbst über Ihre eigene Webseite oder Kies verteilt), verliert Ihr die Softwaregarantie. Samsung kann dann den Support und die Gewährleistung für softwarebasierende Probleme ablehnen. Die Hardwaregarantie bleibt jedoch weiterhin erhalten.

Es gilt also: Bei Problemen werden euch die User in diesem Forum sicher versuchen zu helfen. Jedoch seid Ihr für Schäden, die euer Galaxy S durch das Flashen (mit und ohne dieser Anleitung) erleidet, selbst verantwortlich. Ihr müsst euch also Bewusst sein, dass Experimente euch das Handy kosten können! Wem das zu heikel oder unsicher ist, sollte an dieser Stelle aufhören weiterzulesen.

Weder ich noch Handy-FAQ übernommen eine Haftung für gebrickte Geräte.

Was ist ein Kernel und wofür ist er da?

Anhand dieser Grafik könnt ihr erkennen wie das Android System aufgebaut ist.

Ganz unten seht ihr dann wofür der Kernel zuständig ist.


Nun gibt es User die den Stock Kernel ändern.

Je nach Kernel fallen diese Änderungen anders aus.

Was für Vorteile verspricht man sich durch einen anderen Kernel?

Diese Frage stellen sich sicherlich einige User.

Den größten Vorteil erhoffen sie sich durch einen Peformance Gewinn.

Ihr findet den Kernel entweder mit der Endung tar oder zip vor.

Die Kernel mit der Endung tar werden über Odin geflashed.

Die mit der zip Endung werden über CWM geflashed


Diese Anleitung zeigt euch den häufigsten Ablauf einer Installation.

Es kann trotzdem mal sein das es bei manchen Kernel anders ist.


Ihr braucht einen Kernel mit der Endung tar.

Weiter unten ist eine kleine Auswahl.

Ihr braucht Odin

Schließt nun am PC alle Kies Prozesse über den Taskmanager.

Am besten einen direkten USB-Anschluss benutzen (kein Hub)


Dafür müsst ihr Odin öffnen

Ab Windows Vista Odin mit der rechten Maustaste als Administrator ausführen.

Bei PDA die Kernel Datei einfügen

Starten und warten.


Diese zip Datei müsst ihr nun auf die interne Karte kopieren.

Nun startet ihr euer Galaxy in den Recovery Mode


Dort wählt ihr install zip from sdcard aus.

Dann choose zip from sdard.

Nun navigiert ihr zu dem Ordner in dem die Kernel zip ist und wählt diese aus.


Zuerst muss man darauf achten das der Kernel auch zu der Firmware passt.

Dies ist meistens schnell erkennbar.

Es steht dann dort für jvt oder jvz.

Es gibt aber auch welche da steht bei, funktioniert mit allen Gingerbread Roms

  • Root
  • ClockWorkMod
  • Lagfix
  • Voodoo Sound
  • Voodoo Color
  • BLN
  • OC/UV
  • BigMem
  • Bootanimation support
  • initscript
  • usw.

bearbeitet von PrimeDeluxe

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Bei den folgenden Kernel handelt es sich um Kernel die mit Samsung Roms oder Custom Roms genutzt werden können.

Hier kommt ihr direkt zu den Kernel die unter CM7 & MIUI genutzt werden können


Midnight Kernel Features


- Kompatibel mit allen Gingerbread Firmwares.

- Base Source: GB-Update2 Module upgedated auf JVU

- Standard Frequenzen nach erster Installation, Optional OC bis 1.2Ghz

- autoROOT, EXT4 + RFS support, tweaked Conservative governor

- Backlightnotification (BLN Control benötigt), VoodooSound10

- Custom Bootanimation Support, init.d support, short touchkey LED timeout (.5sec)

- RGB Multiplikatoren basierend auf Supercurios arbeit

- Konfigurierbare untere Helligkeitsstufe (5 Level)

- 2 einstellbare Farb/Helligkeits- Profile (Standard/Nacht Modus)

- Angepasste LMK Werte: 6,9,15,48,55,65Mb, 343Mb RAM, mehr LMK Presets (Nexus, stock GB, performance,...)

- Verschiedene Tweaks (filesystems, kernel tunables, vm, prop, security, IO,...)

- Boot-logfile /data/user.log, Remount-Script für adb Nutzer (simply use "adb shell remount" to toggle rw/ro)

- Viel debug Zeugs entfernt für weniger Overhead & bessere Performance

- CWM4 mit CWM5-TAR-Nandroid

- CWM: manually install/remove su/busybox/Superuser (ROOT)

- CWM: backup/restore/delete Nandroid-FULL, -DATA, or -SYSTEM only, start/shutdown sounds

- CWM: extended cleanup options (bloatware and unneeded system-apps (presets ~ 0.7-65Mb)

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[B]0.8.7 / 2012-01-31

- kernel: 343Mb RAM, front cam picture works \w JW1, probably not \w JVU)

- kernel: removed more debug stuff for slightly more performance, less overhead

- kernel: back to stock bootlogo

- kernel: Nexus tl2796, configurable lower brightness (5 levels)

- kernel: RGB multiplier support based on Supercurios great work

- kernel: Conservative governor adjustments

- kernel: bthid compiled as module

- kernel: int.volt slightly raised (1100->1125mV) for 1.2Ghz (stability)

- CWM: removed a lot of potentially unneeded stuff 

- CWM: added remove Email.apk, GMaps options

- CWM: added "block-MidnightControl-settings-next-boot" option

- initramfs: updated to JVU modules

- initramfs: SIO and 128Kb (yes) sdcard read_ahead_kb default

- initramfs: improved read_ahead_kb for /cache, /dbdata, /system

- initramfs: adjusted default LMK, starts working at 65Mb RAM now

- initramfs: HOME_APP_ADJ=1 again

- MidnightControl app[/B]

[B]0.8.4 / 2011-12-17

- Bugfix: Ondemand/deepsleep-patch (thanks Stratosk)

- Bugfix: Logcat incomplete when loaded as module

- CWM: 3 touch sensitivity options back

- Initramfs: shortend /proc/mem output in /data/user.log

- Initramfs: JW1-modules

- Initramfs: Pikachu01's latest CFS values

0.8.3 / 2011-12-10

- Bugfix: Removed Ondemand/deep-sleep patch, somehow caused frequency to be 800Mhz > 40% time if connected to AC charger and sleeping.

- Disabled SAMPLING_DOWN_FACTOR again, testing

- 341Mb RAM, testing

0.8.2-4 / 2011-12-08

- initramfs: JVZ-module, new CFS values (testing)

- kernel: Ondemand/SAMPLING_DOWN_FACTOR implemented

- cwm: /mnt/sdcard compatibility

- cwm: handles mount for /sbin/mount to prevent issues when mounting from update/CWM-ZIP

- cwm: support for /dbdata mounts, /datadata completely removed

  CAUTION: create new backups, Midnight 0.8 Nandroid 

  backups (containing datadata)...tar won't be completely restored.    

0.8.0 / 2011-12-03

- Big thanks to stratosk for letting me use his CWM3 initramfs as base initramfs

- Big thanks to supercurio for taking some time to confirm my assumptions about a nasty RFS bug and my bugfix ideas

- Big thanks to madrooster for a helping hand regarding my build environment when switching to CWM4.

- Big thanks to Mahd and Scheichuwe for testing 

- Thank you guys. A lot. 

- CWM4

- CWM: Rearranged menus

- CWM: EXT4 and RFS support

- CWM: Backported CWM5 TAR Nandroid

- CWM: Supports FULL, DATA- and SYSTEM-only Nandroid

- CWM: Added "remove Nandroid backup" option

- CWM: Added more IPv4/6 security tweaks

- CWM: Manage TUN module/IPvX security tweak issue

- CWM: Added Advanced->Misc->Toggle NO-autoROOT

- CWM: Added Advanced->Misc->Toggle NO-MidnightTweaks

- CWM: Added Backup/Restore->SystemUI, framework-res

- CWM: Added Cleanup->Delete *a-lot-of-bloat* options

- CWM: Added 64/128/256Kb to READ_AHEAD menu

- CWM: Moved touchscreen sensitivity to Advanced options->misc

- CWM: Removed "delete S_volt_scheduler" as init.d can be disabled

- CWM: Removed "delete init.d" as init.d can be disabled

- CWM: Removed RFS/EXT4 conversion due to unresolved issues

- CWM: Added multiple bloatware/systemapp cleanup options (0.7-52Mb)

- Initramfs: JVU updated, completely rebuilt (multiple times  )

- Initramfs: autoROOT (re-checked every boot)

- Initramfs: added remount script for adb users (adb shell remount)

- Initramfs: slightly adjusted some tweaks

- Initramfs: testing pikachu01's CFS values

- Kernel: Midnight bootlogo 

- Kernel: Added newmails great Ondemand patch

--Be sure to reduce undervolting mV if you experience reboots

- Kernel: Added SIO scheduler

- Kernel: Some minor tweaks (99% 0.7.6)

- Adjusted lowmemorykiller settings

- everything I forgot since 2011/10...

0.7.6 / 2011-10-07

- bugfix: su/superuser not working

- slightly lowered conservative thresholds to 55/up)/35(down)

- some text changes in CWM cleanup menu

0.7.5 / 2011-10-07

- raised 1.2Ghz voltage from 1300mV to 1310mV (stability) 

- removed 1.3Ghz

- updated su/superuser to 3.0.2-efgh

- updated to proprietary JVT modules

0.7.3 / 2011-10-02

- hybrid overclocking:

-- defaults to 100-200-400-800-1000Mhz, stock voltages

-- 1.2Ghz (1300mV) or 1.3Ghz(1375mV) can be enabled via CWM

-- when overclocking 1Ghz freq. will remain enabled as additional freq. step

0.7.2 / 2011-10-01


- removed 1.3Ghz again

0.7.1 / 2011-09-30


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Supercurio beschäftigt sich jetzt anderweitig, doch gibt es jemanden der sein Projekt fortführt.

Madrooster hat sich den Kernel angenommen und auch schon

Updates herausgebracht.

Bei diesem Kernel gibt es eine zip und eine tar Version.

Wenn ihr also noch kein CWM habt dann müsst ihr die tar Version wählen.

Voodoo Kernel Features

- Voodoo Lagfix

- su binary v3.0.3.2 installed in /system/xbin

- Superuser.apk v3.0.7 installed in /data/app

- Clockworkmod Recovery with Voodoo Lagfix menu

- CIFS support, loadable with insmod

- Tuned low memory killer

- adb in recovery mode

- adb running as root by default

- busybox 1.18.5 installed in /bin

- tun.ko support built in by Samsung

- Optional zip align script for /system/app and /data/app


Version 1.2

- su binary updated to v3.0.3.2

- Superuser app updated to v3.0.7

- CWM: Updated to

- CWM: Fixed unmount /system functionality

- CWM: New tar-based nandroid backup method

- CWM: Partially fixed nandroid restore functionality - IMPORTANT: Read the last question in the FAQ post

Version 1.1

- su binary updated to v3.0

- Superuser app updated to v3.0

- Fix outdated su binary detection during boot

- New apk_zipaligner.sh script which zipaligns any non-aligned apps in /system/app and /data/app, 

  see the FAQ for instructions on how to activate it[/B]

[B]Version 1.0[/B]

[B]- su binary updated to v2.3.2-efgh

- Superuser app updated to v2.3.6.3

- Clockworkmod Recovery updated to

- Clockworkmod 4.x modified with the lagfix menu

- CIFS support, loadable with insmod

- busybox upgraded to 1.18.5, additional functions

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Bei diesem Kernel handelt es sich um einen Kernel für Beginner und für User die einen Kernel haben möchten der möglichst am Original ist aber trotzdem nicht auf Root oder EXT4 verzichten möchten.

Für fast jede Version gibt es einen passenden Kernel.

Welchen ihr herunterladen müsst findet ihr ganz einfach heraus.

Geht unter Einstellungen auf Telefoninfo.

Dort guckt ihr nun nach den letzten drei Buchstaben.

Anhand dieser Buchstaben könnt ihr nun den passenden Kernel finden.

Hier sind mal die neuesten Kernel.

Und hier kommt ihr zum XDA Thread


Damit ihr den Lagfix aktivieren könnt braucht ihr dieses Addon

EXT4 Addon

  • Startet den CWM Manger
  • Wählt install apk aus
  • Nun wählt die apk aus


Semaphore Kernel Features:

- Voodoo Sound v10

- Voodoo Color

- OC/UV (1200MHz, 1300MHz)


- CWM v5.0.2.7

- Speedmod color fix

- Patched with the latest Samsung kernel sources.

- JVU initramfs

- compiled with Linaro GCC 4.6.2 toolchain

- O3 and other compiler optimizations

- 337 MB available RAM (353 bigmem versions - it breaks 720 video recording)

- Auto brightness driver

- Reworked cpufreq driver. cpu states 100-200-400-800-1000/1200/1300.

- Bundled with Semaphore Script Manager to v0.62

- su binary v3.0.3.2

- Governor ondemand (default)

- ondemand: sampling_down_factor tunable by momentum

- Governor conservative (module)

- Governor smartassV2 (module)

- Noop I/O scheduler (default)

- Deadline I/O Scheduler (module)

- Simple I/O Scheduler (module)

- Netfilter (iptables) as modules

- CIFS as module

- TUN as module

- Logcat disabled (as module only)

- cpufreq statistics as module (is loaded by default)

- Standard network packet scheduler

- Kernel log buffer size 4KB (from 128KB)

- deleting boot sounds procedure creates backup on /data/local

- Battery polling to 60 seconds

- jhash3

- No debug info

- TinyRCU

- HZ=256

- CPU frequency on stock music player when screen off to 400 MHz

- /system/etc/init.d directory creation if not exist

- Custom boot animation

- HM.Cardide's Addon scripts.

- VM dirty chainfire's tweak as script

- Kernel scheduler tweak as script

- noatime chainfire's tweak by default

- OC test scripts to 1200MHz, 1300MHz (Script Manager)

- enabled /proc/config.gz

- bootloop detection (clears init.d directory, if the phone does not complete 2 minutes of normal operation)

- Script to change /cache to virtual 50MB (in case you want to download apps > 30MB from Market)

Damit ihr Voodoo Sound und BLN einstellen und richtig nutzen könnt braucht ihr Voodoo Control und BLN Control aus dem Market.

Mit Voltage Control könnt ihr die Spannung einstellen.

Um die verschiedenen Module des Kernel zu aktivieren oder zu deaktivieren braucht ihr den Script Manager. Die Scripte findet ihr im Script Manager Thread


Hier findet ihr den neuesten Changleog


Und hier gibt es die neueste Version

Script Manager

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TalonDev Kernel Features

-Voodoo Lagfix and Sound v10

-Voodoo Color for 2.3.4

-Ported Nexus S Framebuffer

-mDNIe based on Speedmod

-BLN Support from Neldar

-Custom Voodoo CWM

-340MB RAM Free (w/ 720p)

-OC/UV support up to 1.2ghz

-Swap + ZRAM (compcache)

-Audio Dock Support

-Tweaked Ondemand Governor

-Stochastic Fair Blue (SFB) network scheduler

-Lots of Upstream Linux/AOSP fixes

-CIFS/TUN Support

Bitte darauf achten, wenn ihr die BIG MEM Version ladet

funktioniert die 720p Aufnahme nicht mehr.

Stabile Version

TalonDEV 0.5.1-RC1 I9000 340MB & BIGMEM

Test Version mit neuem OC Modul

TalonDEV I9000 340MB and BIGMEM

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new tweaked LMK settings

updated 'MemoryFreak 1.23"

updated to JVT initramfs

updated to base

updated latest samsung source

added new kernel boot logo

disabled sched_autogroup

disabled more kernel debug

upstream fixes for ZRAM

upstream fixes for ext4

upstream fixes for mm/sched

upstream fixes for ARM/S5P

upstream fixes for rcu/TinyRCU

upstream fixes for lowmemkill driver

use 'hard float' optimizations

set usb charging lock to 100mhz

USB signal and speed improvements

introduce OndemandX CPU Governor

introduce Smartass2 GPU Governor

added sampling down factor to Ondemand

fix issue with UV not working correctly

switch to TinyRCU (smaller memory footprint)

XZ kernel compression; initramfs to none

tons of general fixes from zacharias.maladroit

Linaro Android (GCC 4.5.4) + O2 and Graphite flags


reverted back to 2009q3 toolchains

disabled GPU OC (does not fully work yet)


update to (still shows

added BFQv2-r1 I/O Scheduler (SIO default)

fully ported mDNIe driver from nexus

tweaked mDNIe UI settings similar to speedmod

fix colour multiplier to avoid yellow tint

tweaked lowmemorykiller driver

revert lmk settings similar to old #7

added boot progress bar during boot

arm: Allow CPU-supported unaligned accesses

add support for BT_PAN, Apple Magic Mouse + more

fix .int_volt on higher frequencies (thnx Cy4n1d3)

set kernel log buffer size to 4kb (from 128kb)

ashmem: fix deadlock when system is low on memory

compiled with 4.5.1 toolchains (RIL with 4.4.3)

removed unused governors; conservative now module

UV for LCD 3.0v->2.6v, RAM 1.8v-1.6v, ADC 3.3v->3.0v

some PM and battery runtime upstream fixes


ported nexus s framebuffer driver

ported Voodoo Color for 2.3.4 (control w/ Voodoo app)

updated to voodoo sound v10

fixed compass postion for i9000

some rework/cleanups to initramfs

introduce 1300mhz version

CFS load balancing improvements

some fs/sched improvements

add fixes from CK patchset

updated to JVQ initramfs contents

introduce V(R) IO Scheduler

tweaked voltages some 

disabled iostats for less overhead

tons of fixes from zacharias.maladroit

some fixes to sched_autogroup

newly tweaked lowmemkill settings


added sched_autogroup patch

added configurable gpu oc (for future use)

fix BLN not working for some users

introduce non-oc version of talon 

independent oc versions (1200/1400/1440)

compile wifi as Os instead of O2

set wlan power on delay back to 80ms

use samsung bootanim when no custom zip found

0.2.2R2 - JVP

Enabled Voodoo Debug for Lagfix 

Fixed mounting issues with system in cwm

0.2.2 - JVP

added 1.6ghz as max overclock

set usb charging clock to 200mhz

some GPU changes from Morfic

few updates to wifi driver from aosp

some security improvements from fugumod

use Speedmod color/sharpness fix

added "power off" & "reboot download" to cwm

added "voodoo lagfix menu" to cwm

add upstream fix for ZRAM (compcache)

added voodoo JVP 2.3.4 initramfs

cpuidel menu governor upstream fix

plus few other random fixes

0.2.1 - JVH/JVO/JV9+ ONLY!

added zram (compcache)

updated lowmemkill settings

compiled with O2 instead of Os

cwm verify battery stats wiped

fix issue with 1ghz step

switch back to ondemand governor

reverted most upstream fixes

disabled printk in kernel

more random fixes/updates

updated to voodoo sound v9

added BLN support from neldar

switch to gzip initramfs compression

new boot logo (courtesy of Vivified)

possible fix for wifi sleep battery drain

updated to latest samsung source

fixed KTLO with new samsung source

updated to jvh version magic and initramfs

compiled logcat (logger.ko) as a module


set initial max frequency to 1ghz

enable asynchronous I/O support

disable some kernel debug

some ARM optimizations

slight cosmetic change to CWM

new lmk settings from kodos96

reverted OOM rework/fixes

attempt to fix CIFS issue


Only use gamma 2.2 

More upstream fixes and reworks

Add BigMem version (no 720p recording)

Adjust LMK settings for tweak app

Adjust default readahead values


Add 341MB RAM (kodos96's config)

Revert back to stock refresh rate


Revert back to old touchkey driver

Fixed Issue with KTLO

Compiled sound/soc/codecs as O2


OC support up to 1.2ghz

Interactive governor by default

Add CIFS/TUN support

Few upstream improvements


Initial release[/B]

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Hier eine Auswahl mit Kernel die unter CM7 & MIUI genutzt werden können

!!!Achtung nur für CM7 & MIUI Roms!!!


TK-Glitch Feature

- Bis zu 1.7GHz CPU OC with added bus/GPU OC (Nicht jedes Galaxy schafft 1.7Ghz)

- Undervolting (benötigt Apps wie Voltage Control)

- Voodoo Sound & Voodoo Color (Thanks Supercurio & renaudallard)

- FPS uncap (Bildschirmfrequenz 68Hz statt 60Hz, von 56 auf 66 FPS max)

- Verschiedene tweaks für mehr Zuverlässigkeit & flüssigeres System

- LED Benachrichtigung Neldar's BLN

Hier mal ein Anhaltspunkt für das Undervolting.

Das heißt nicht das es bei jedem funktioniert.

Manchmal müsst ihr die Werte anpassen.

1700 MHz - GPU@ 243 MHz - 1.500v / -> Schaffen die meisten nicht. -25 bis -50mV könnte es stabilisieren.

1600 MHz - GPU@ 229 MHz - 1.500V / -> Schaffen auch viele Geräte nicht.

1500 MHz - GPU@ 250 MHz - 1.500V / -25mV

1440 MHz - GPU@ 240 MHz - 1.475V / -50mV

1400 MHz - GPU@ 233 MHz - 1.450V / -50mV

1300 MHz - GPU@ 217 MHz - 1.400V / -50mV

1200 MHz - GPU@ 200 MHz - 1.350V / -50mV

1000 MHz - GPU@ 200 MHz - 1.250V / -50mV

800 MHz - GPU@ 200 MHz - 1.200V / -75mV

400 MHz - GPU@ 200 MHz - 1.050V / -100mV

200 MHz - GPU@ 200 MHz - 0.950V / -150mV

100 MHz - GPU@ 100 MHz - 0.950V / -200mV - Kann auch zu abstürzen führen.

VoodooColor Version


Es gibt drei Version

HL High Leakage

ML Middle Leakage

LL Low Leakage

Am besten fangt ihr mit HL an und probiert das OC/UV aus.

Das macht ihr nun auch mit den anderen um zu sehen mit welcher Version das am besten klappt.

Warum es drei Versionen gibt?

Weil nicht jeder Chip gleich ist und es kleine Unterschiede gibt.

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[B]20/11/2011 - V13

- Upstream synced to the latest at release time

- New CFLAGS again

- mfpu switched from neon to vfpv3

- BLN now working correctly, with LED timeout (thanks to Zacharias.maladroit)

- Back to hard float

- Updated toolchain to 4.5-2011.10

- Modified screen colors to look better. Don't use Voodoo Color punchy settings with this though (green screen likely to be back)

- Better reactivity under load

- 348MB RAM available

- Better 720p video recording (less buggy)

- Doubled SDCard read cache - Slight speed-up on SDcard read speed

- USB power drain fix

- Better memory management

- Back to 3.0V for the screen - 2.6V said not to give more battery life because of the added amperage

- Bugfixes

- Added Cgroup timer slack to group tasks by timer slack value

- Switched to Tree preempt RCU and added RCU boost

- New rethemed/recolored recovery menu and bootlogo, thanks to Fate-Silver for the blood 

- Fixed "GLITCH" menu in recovery not showing for i9000 and Telus Fascinate

- Better handling of the CPU frequency table, + fixes

- Fascinate related fixes and updates from JT1134

- Added Lazy and SmartassV2 governors

- Fixes for SDCard handling

- All leakage settings are now available from a single kernel. Use the GLITCH menu in recovery 

- Added support of JT's 3-button recovery hack (credit to JT1134)[/B]

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Ein sehr guter Kernel, den man auch mal ausprobieren sollte, wenn man CM7 nutzt

Platypus Revolutions Kernel Features:

Neo 18:


- led-notifications


- stock color

- voodoo color

- didle

Neo XX.1


- based on Linux Kernel 2.6.37 + changes from newer kernels cpu scheduler & memory + filesystem changes)

- led-notifications


- all builds are voodoo color (for now) + didle

Der XDA Thread



Changelog since Neo 18 / Neo XX.1:

- pawit's sdcard (potential data corruption) fix

- (led-notification editions): updated touchkey driver + added support for cm7-settings

NEO 17 (r18 - codename Butterfly) changelog [SGS/Telus, Captivate, Vibrant]

Changes (from r16 [r17 - intermediate BLN build]):

• corrected voodoo FM radio enhancements only to depend on SGS/Telus build

• usb battery drain fix (thx to farmatito)

• quiet binder error messages in dmesg - useless for productivity builds

• optimized checksum library

• added: 600 MHz step

• bumped 1000 MHz (1 GHz) by +25 mV [equals samsung kernel stock voltage]

• bumped system_tweak init-script to V63 (now similar to the one used on Neo XX)

• bumped toolchain to 4.5 09/2011

• fix memory-leak on dma-mapping (thx to existz for the idea !)

• fix data loss/corruption with bad microSD cards by raising write timeout

• optimize re-claiming: faster re-initialization of removed microSD

• put microSD before attempting to suspend

• vfs_cache_pressure up to 50 (less lags & lower battery consumption ?)

• some minor cypress (softkey) driver fixes (thanks to pawitp !)

• slightly raised readahead

• delay subsequent suspend attempts after non-successful prior attempts (save battery + reduce cpu load)

• TCP increase default initial receive window + congestion window to 10

• pm: fix enable ordering in resume

• synced with nightly #143/144

NEO 17 (r12 - codename Butterfly) changelog [SGS/Telus, Captivate, Vibrant]

Changes (from r11):

• modified Neo 9 redux v5 optimization flags (hardfloat + vfpv3 instead of neon & semi-hardfloat)

• re-added yaffs2 filesystem driver update (not cause of contacts, etc. reset)

• [upstream] fixed media-key buttons on headset [affecting SGS/GT-i9000 & Captivate; Telus ?; not Vibrant] (thanks to pawitp !)

• reverted PM fix/enhancement to cope with unsuccessful sleep attempts [less SODs ?]

NEO 17 (r11 - codename Butterfly) changelog [SGS/Telus, Captivate, Vibrant]

Changes (from r10):

• potential fix for SODs (sleep of death) while led-notification is occuring - thanks to pawitp !

• back to Neo 9 redux optimization flags - those should be more stable

NEO 17 (r10 - codename Butterfly) changelog [SGS/Telus, Captivate, Vibrant]

Changes (from r9 - 2nd testbuild):

• bumped RAM up to 348 MB (everything should still work, incl. Youtube HD recording)

• ported over smartass2 governor (super-smooth & battery-efficient, hopefully no issues anymore with getting stuck on high frequencies - unless due to system & broken apps)

• back to cm7 vanilla/stock yaffs2 driver - let's see if this fixes the discouraged random resets for few people (loss of contacts, apps gone, etc.)

NEO 17 (r9 - codename Butterfly) changelog [2nd testbuild - SGS/Telus, Captivate, Vibrant]

Changes (from r9 - 1st testbuild):

• fixed typos in system_tweak related to agps tweaks - thanks to DerTeufel for spotting them !

• new prebuilt driver to reflect changes to the kernel

• switched to floating-point optimizations + soft-float + neon [hardfloat seemed to have caused issues]

*crossing fingers* that it's more stable now

• like in the previous build: led-notifications included in the kernel by default - flavors: stock colors, voodoo color

NEO 17 (r9 - codename Butterfly) changelog [1st testbuild - SGS/Telus only]

Changes (from r8):

• changed back to platypus optimization flags (away from graphite flags - might have caused those SODs - sleep of death) [troubleshooting attempt]

• added network tweaks to all remaining networks (system_tweak)

• raised the number of events for GUI - potential smoother (system_tweak)

• some more s5p changes (cleanups) 

• boost of in-call volume (kudos to efpophis)

• re-enabled setprop settings for improved battery runtime [testing + need feedback]

NEO 17 (r8 - codename Butterfly) changelog

Changes (from r7):

• added ondemandb ('b' for battery efficient - ondemand with stock - more battery-friendly thresholds & settings)

• add sampling down option to ondemand, ondemandb, ondemandX to control from userland

• fixed up UV voltage table - UV should work now [testing]

• lowered transition latency to 40 µs (more stability - thanks to pawitp for the idea !) 

• fixed led-notifications & touchkey lockup/hanging (thanks to pawitp)

• some general ARM + sha fixes

• switched to August (08/2011) snapshot for the toolchain

• lowered optimization flags to mainly graphite only (more stability, in some areas more performance)

• tweaked savagedzen to make it more usable (still bumpy from time to time)

• +/- led-notifications kernel [if not wanted: disable via quiet hours in CM7, disable in MIUI] (testing effect on battery runtime when disabled - need feedback in XDA thread)

• improved battery runtime with failed suspend attempts [less cpu & battery burning - EXPERIMENTAL]

• made some corrections to the S98system_tweak script

• (probably noticable) faster booting

• when comparing "stock" cm7 kernel with this one use ondemandb governor - this should be very similar

to the ondemand governor from stock; ondemand governor in this kernel is more aggressive (smoother and clocks up faster)

NEO 17 (r7 - codename Butterfly) changelog

Changes (from r5):

• switched to preemptible tiny_rcu with priority-boosting

• switched from platypus optimization flags to stock flags for prebuilt modem driver + graphite & additional tree/loop optimization flags for rest of kernel

• rwsem improvements

• some more ARM (platform) fixes

• MTD fixes & improvements

• lowered ramping-up threshold of ondemandX to 85

• a few more s5p fixes

• overall more performance & more consistent experience (probably less lags/smoother)

• [not sure if activated] some more randomisation [more security]

NEO 17 (r5 - codename Butterfly) changelog


• [samsung upstream] improved usb signal quality

• reworked & updated system_tweak script included [rp_filter disabled so VPN should work out of the box, faster ringing during call, some speed-ups & tweaks in several areas]

• BFQ as default i/o scheduler (in script)

• noop should be default without scripts [via kernel]

• back to well established & tested platypus optimization flags

• [cm7 upstream] more accurate battery stats [no 100% after unpluggin usb-cable/charger]

• re-added & re-ported docksound audio support [needs docksound redirector app]

• even more battery runtime improvements

• refresh rate back to 68 from 72 - less issues

• re-added support back for Telus Fascinate

• logcat is now enabled by default [doesn't seem to make a difference in battery runtime with GB bootloaders anymore]

• [cm7 upstream] added protection against accidentally touching the keys

additional Options:

• screenstate_scaling V51 (Neo 17 r10): https://bit.ly/pQYnvS

[S98system_tweak is already included & delivered with the kernel]

Recommended additions:

• Chainfire3d

• [better but not full multitasking] V6 SuperCharger [memory script from #1 post only: https://forum.xda-developers.com/show...5&postcount=1] - no need for kickass script or other stuff - platypus scripts already have most / all of that and more stuff included <-- need feedback on stability, multi-tasking capability

[Install script manager from the market, run it, navigate to the script on your sdcard, 

select the script, tick "run as root", press run. It will ask for user input after starting.

Hold down left soft key to bring up the keyboard, type in 0 and press return. 

Next time it asks for input type in 9, press return, then 17 next time. Done.]

• Auto Memory Manager [similar what V6 SuperCharger does] here you can set to have multitasking 

or the system to aggressively free memory

• (for OC/UV): Voltage Control, Pimp my CPU, Control Freak, etc.

• for monitoring the system and apps going crazy: Usage Timelines

• for modem/wifi driver stability: speedtest.net <-- run speedtest & watch if phone reboots during upload phase

• OC/UV stability: run mobo player or any other video player with HD videos for +15 minutes (in software mode)

• CPU Spy: for Frequency & usage statistics of the cpu

• Screen Filter: for more advanced screen dimming

• Voodoo Control: for awesome sound


• disabling led-notifications in CM7: "quiet hours" (https://wiki.cyanogenmod.com/wiki/Cya...Sound_settings)

• disabling led-notifications in MIUI: settings -> personal -> led-settings

Feedback - and on stability testing:

• run the app from "speedtest.net" a few time with different servers with 3G+data/wifi if possible

if it does NOT reboot during upload phase it's a good start [modem driver wise]

• some general phone stability: open up bit.ly (redirection) links via browser, watch youtube

videos, flash content, etc. ; browsing on github.com

• benchmarks (some mild stability & performance tests): gpubench, smart bench 2011, quadrant standard,

antutu, an3dbenchmarkXL, nena mark (+ submit result on nenamark & browse results <-- that lead to reboots on pre-Neo kernels in the past)

• opening up e.g. "advanced task killer" immediately after the bootup [with or without 1st locking of the screen via power button]

• playing back a (HD) movie for at least 15 minutes [mainly for OC (overclock), UV (undervolt) stability]

• latency & smoothness related: doodle dash, tap tap revenge 4, labyrinth lite, ...

bearbeitet von PrimeDeluxe

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Dieser Kernel wird sehr oft upgedatet.

Damit wird schnell auf Änderungen von CM oder CMW reagiert.

Auf der Download Seite findet man diese unter Daily Builds.

Hier findet ihr den Changelog

FuguMod Features

- tiny preempt RCU with RCU boost

- Voodoo Sound V10

- Voodoo Color v2

- more entropy

- Netzwerker Verschleierung für geschlossene Ports

- Kurzes Backlight Timeout

- Verschiedene Sicherheits Fixe


- Interactive & Smartassv2 governors (Standard ist ondemand

- Wifi Treiber update

- Led Notifications

- BFQ scheduler (default is CFQ)


Fugu Mod Kernel

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