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Samsung Galaxy S2 - SlimBean [AOSP-ROM]

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Ich weiß, dass Akkulaufzeiten immer recht unterschiedlich aufgrund der Nutzung ist, aber kann mir irgendjemand ein paar Anhaltspunkte geben?

Ich bin zur Zeit auf einer Stock ROM und überlege schon einige Wochen mal was neues zu probieren.

Gibts bei den stable Versionen irgendetwas was nicht so richtig flüssig funktioniert?

Danke schon mal im Vorraus

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Hallo Freunde,

mich packt mal wieder das Flash-Fieber und ich würd mir gern die Slim auf mein S2 ziehen. Zur Absicherung vorher aber ein paar kurze Fragen bezüglich des Downloads.

Aktuellste Stable ist die Build 2 vom 27.10., richtig?

Bei den Gapps blicke ich nun gar nicht durch, da gibt es die drei Varianten: Slim Minimal Gapps, Slim Aroma Selectable Gapps und Slim AIO Gapps. Wo sind die Unterschiede?

Ideal für mich wären eigentlich Gapps, die nur den Playstore enthalten sowie alles was fürs stabile Laufen der ROM nötig ist beinhalten. Den ganzen Google-Krempel nutze ich nicht, brauche ich daher auch nicht.

Hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen :-)



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Guten Morgen.

ich würde die nehmen Slim Minimal Gapps weil da sind die wenigsten Apps drin.

Aktuellste Stable ist die Build 2 vom 27.10., richtig?
Ja richtig das ist die neuste/letzte Stable Version.


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Auch hier geht es noch einmal weiter ;)


Changelog :

2013-11-15 | require that --daemon is uid/gid 0 execv invocation fixes [Koushik Dutta]

2013-11-15 | Fix superuser when using ART. [Koushik Dutta]

2013-11-14 | update-binary: Fix 4.3+ version check [Kevin Cernekee]

2013-11-14 | README: Update required SDK and NDK versions [Kevin Cernekee]

2013-11-14 | execv invocation fixes [Koushik Dutta]

2013-11-13 | ApexQ: cap at 1458 MHZ [Dave Daynard]

2013-11-12 | BluetoothExt: SK translations [MatoDroid]

2013-11-11 | BluetoothExt: HU translation [Tamas Toth]

2013-11-09 | BluetoothExt: Update DE translations [elektroschmock]2013-11-16 | final release (HEAD, m/jb4.3, github/jb4.3) [Lars Greiss]2013-11-15 | Show the theme name in the choice screen (HEAD, m/jb4.3, github/cm-10.2) [Ricardo Cerqueira]2013-11-13 | Fixed some crash-on-theme-removal scenarios (HEAD, m/jb4.3, github/cm-10.2) [Ricardo Cerqueira]

2013-11-09 | BluetoothExt: ES translations [Lorenzo M]

2013-11-08 | ApexQ: remove factory debugging [nardholio]2013-11-16 | BluetoothExt: NL translation (HEAD, m/jb4.3, github/cm-10.2) [Eddy Witkamp]

2013-11-07 | comment out hte multiuser stuff that is breaking regular ndk builds [Koushik Dutta]2013-11-16 | ARM: 7743/1: compressed/head.S: work around new binutils warning (HEAD, m/jb4.3, github/cm-10.2) [Arnd Bergmann]

2013-11-07 | 1022 [Koushik Dutta]



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hab seid 3 Tagen Slim Bean drauf. Bin total begeistert.

Nur finde ich keine Einstellung, um mein angedocktes S2 in der org.

Samsung Dockinstation über Stereoanlage laufen zu lassen.

Unter "Erweiterte Einstellungen"-"Geräteeinstellung"-

"Dock" habe ich USB-Dock Audio schon angeklickt.

Leider kommt der Sound immer noch aus den Handylautsprecher.???

Weiß jemand Rat???

Besten Dank

Keiner ne Ahnung??

bearbeitet von timesliper

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Also ich finde, Slim Bean und CM 10.xx unterscheiden sich wenn überhaupt , nur in der Optik.

Liege ich da richtig??

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Update Zeit ;)

2014-01-19 | Updated Settings Hun Translations [klasszsrac]

2014-01-19 | surfaceflinger: don't handle EVENT_ORIENTATION when !HWC_DEVICE_API_VERSION_1_0 [Tom Briden]

2014-01-19 | Settings: fix permission screen does not come up [Lars Greiss]

2014-01-19 | Settings: Favorite Contact Tile (2/2) [Jubakuba]

2014-01-19 | Return: Smart Pulldown [2/2] [Muhammed Nazim]

2014-01-19 | Return: Smart Pulldown [1/2] [Muhammed Nazim]

2014-01-19 | Return: Expandable Volume Overlay [Muhammed Nazim]

2014-01-19 | remove p51xx devices [cordell]

2014-01-19 | QuickSettings : Quick Collapse [2/2] [Muhammed Nazim]

2014-01-19 | QuickSettings : Quick Collapse [1/2] [Muhammed Nazim]

2014-01-19 | Gallery2:Show title in movie activity's action bar [Xiaoqin Yang]2014-01-14 | InCallUI: Set Ticker to contact (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [Jubakuba]

2014-01-19 | Gallery2: avoid the crash of gallery during trimming video [Li Sun]

2014-01-19 | Frameworks: Favorite Contact Tile (1/2) [Jubakuba]

2014-01-19 | Fix Torch check Context [Muhammed Nazim]

2014-01-19 | Fix boot animation rotation problem when ro.sf.hwrotation is set to 90 or 270 [Clyde Tan]

2014-01-19 | fb: Keyguard disable challenge drag down on slimpin/simpuk screen [Lars Greiss]

2014-01-19 | fb: disable navigation bar camera button if widget carousel is enabled [Lars Greiss]

2014-01-18 | sync: signal pt before sync_timeline object gets destroyed [Prakash Kamliya]

2014-01-18 | sync: Limit logging to particular fence on timeout and error [Prakash Kamliya]

2014-01-18 | platform: qpnp-power-on: Log the PMIC power-on reason [Anirudh Ghayal]2014-01-15 | revert cm custom ioctrl (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [David Savage]

2014-01-18 | msm: qpnp-power-on: Remove the wakelocks [Ricardo Cerqueira]

2014-01-18 | msm: qpnp-power-on: Initialize earlier [darren.kang]

2014-01-18 | Input: Set users to 0 when an input device is disabled though sysfs [Arve Hjønnevåg]

2014-01-18 | Input: Propagate hardware event timestamp to evdev. [sasha Levitskiy]

2014-01-18 | Input: Add enabled device attribute [Arve Hjønnevåg]

2014-01-18 | Fix blacklist preferences fragment transition for tablets. [Danny Baumann]

2014-01-18 | ARM: Use -mcpu=cortex-a15 when targeting MSM Krait CPUs [stepan Moskovchenko]

2014-01-17 | Telephony: translation - RU [gwindlord]

2014-01-17 | Settings: translation - RU [gwindlord]

2014-01-17 | Settings: do not show notification drawer carrier/wifi settings on tablets [Lars Greiss]

2014-01-17 | Keyguard: fix codestyle [Lars Greiss]

2014-01-17 | Hun Translations updated [klasszsrac]

2014-01-17 | Frameworks: Fix 0% battery QS tile [Lars Greiss]

2014-01-17 | fb: clean up our and AOSP code for wifi and carrier label animation [Lars Greiss]

2014-01-17 | fb: add bottom margin to stock default battery icon [Lars Greiss]

2014-01-17 | build: build dialer before InCallUI (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [Lars Greiss]

2014-01-17 | Add support for USB OTG [Xiao-Long Chen]2014-01-17 | flo: Readd noauto_da_alloc to fix horrific I/O performance (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [steve Kondik]

2014-01-16 | WiFi label is not a Quote! [Muhammed Nazim]

2014-01-16 | UNOFFICIAL Builds are for Developers and Testers! [Muhammed Nazim]

2014-01-16 | Torch: Glowpad Torch (2/3) [Jubakuba]2014-01-13 | Contacts provider: add fb sync (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [Lars Greiss]2014-01-17 | Creates parent directories before creates file (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [Roger Chen]2014-01-17 | Hun Translations updated [klasszsrac]

2014-01-16 | Settings: Glowpad Torch (3/3) [Jubakuba]

2014-01-16 | Settings: Fix build [Lars Greiss]

2014-01-16 | Settings: Fix broken sliders on menu reset (1/1) [Jubakuba]

2014-01-16 | Settings: fix advanced reboot default value [Lars Greiss]

2014-01-16 | Return: My Phone Number [Muhammed Nazim]

2014-01-16 | Return: Always show battery on Keyguard [1/2] [Muhammed Nazim]

2014-01-16 | MountService listeners can not be unregistered [Niklas Brunlid]

2014-01-16 | Keyguard: do not allow to delete the system widget if widgets are disabled [Lars Greiss]

2014-01-16 | Frameworks: Pimp up Notification Labels Hide [1/2] [Muhammed Nazim]

2014-01-16 | Framework: Glowpad Torch (1/3) [Jubakuba]

2014-01-16 | Framework: Add Advanced reboot [1/2] [Muhammed Nazim]

2014-01-16 | Fix preference puts with "null" values. [Narayan Kamath]

2014-01-16 | fb: Fix wrong IME state handlings on keyboard switches [Lars Greiss]

2014-01-16 | fb: actually fix LTE toggle (2/2) [Lars Greiss]

2014-01-16 | fb: actually fix LTE toggle (1/2) [Lars Greiss]

2014-01-16 | Before requerying a cursor, check if it is closed. [jangwon.lee]

2014-01-16 | apps/Settings: translation - RU [gwindlord]

2014-01-16 | Add support for USB OTG [Xiao-Long Chen]2014-01-11 | Move to common repo (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [arcardinal]2014-01-11 | Add all the missing overlays from houst0nn into g2-common. (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [baked]2014-01-12 | Disable BOARD_CUSTOM_VSYNC_IOCTL (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [tchaari]

2014-01-16 | Add NULL check in updateProxyConfig [Oscar Rydhé]

2014-01-16 | Added more MAC's for murata. [Liam Alford]2014-01-11 | flo: Set s2w & dt2w to OFF by default. (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [LorDClockaN]2014-01-18 | Linux 3.4.76 (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [houst0nn]

2014-01-15 | UI not updated correctly in expanded statusbar [Kent Persson]

2014-01-15 | SystemUI: Extra Slim Shortcuts && Cleanup [Jubakuba]

2014-01-15 | Settings: Pimp up Notification Labels Hide [1/2] [Muhammed Nazim]

2014-01-15 | Settings: fix NPE with null check on NFC adapter [Jon Haus]

2014-01-15 | Settings: Fix Bug Tile Size (1/1) [Jubakuba]

2014-01-15 | Settings: Clean up SeekBar && Fine LongPress (1/1) [Jubakuba]

2014-01-15 | Settings: Add Advanced reboot [2/2] [Muhammed Nazim]

2014-01-15 | Services/Telephony: translation - RU [gwindlord]

2014-01-15 | selective based spn/operatorCheck (2/2) [cordell]

2014-01-15 | SamsungQualcommRIL: skip setCdmaSubscriptionSource if CDMA_SUBSCRIPTION_MODE is null [shareef Ali]

2014-01-15 | SamsungQualcommRIL: rebase ril to 4.4.2 [shareef Ali]

2014-01-15 | SamsungQualcommRIL: kill off some old code [shareef Ali]

2014-01-15 | SamsungQualcommRIL: fix compile error. [shareef Ali]

2014-01-15 | SamsungQualcommRIL enhance and error proof icccardobject. [shareef Ali]

2014-01-15 | SamsungQualcommRIL: Create 2 more app for nv type of subscription. [shareef Ali]

2014-01-15 | ProcessList: use different polling interval when screen off [Jun Su]

2014-01-15 | PhoneFactory: fall back to default RIL if custom RIL Class fails [Jon Haus]

2014-01-15 | part 2 of LTE toggle support [Ryan Hope]

2014-01-15 | part 1 of LTE toggle support [Ryan Hope]

2014-01-15 | onAccountsUpdated shouldn't be called back after listener unregistered [Hiroaki Kuriyama]

2014-01-15 | Keyguard: don't refresh ui when screen off [Jun Su]

2014-01-15 | frameworks: translation - RU [gwindlord]

2014-01-15 | Framework: Get Shortcut Name (1/2) [Jubakuba]

2014-01-15 | Fixup operatorCheck for Note3 [slayher]

2014-01-15 | apps/Settings: translation - RU [gwindlord]

2014-01-14 | Update bln code [tchaari]

2014-01-14 | Telephony: ES translations [Carlos Solano]

2014-01-14 | Some memory and voltage adjustment [tchaari]

2014-01-14 | Settings: ES translations [Carlos Solano]

2014-01-14 | Set ondemand, deadline and bln off as defaults [tchaari]2014-01-19 | Browser: Fix browser force close (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [adhiti]2014-01-15 | Fix a crash when General Settings is opened (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [Ruben]2014-01-15 | Camera2: fix possible NPE on configurationchange (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [Lars Greiss]

2014-01-14 | sensorservice: Set the rate for pre-1.1 HALs _after_ activation [Ricardo Cerqueira]2014-01-17 | SamsungQualcommRil: bring back operatorCheck. (1/2) [shareef Ali]

2014-01-14 | Return: National Data Roaming [2/3] [Muhammed Nazim]

2014-01-14 | Return: Listanimation views and interpolator [2/2] [jkl5616]

2014-01-14 | Return: Listanimation Views and Interpolator [1/2] [jkl5616]

2014-01-14 | native: go back to our custom heap sizes [Lars Greiss]

2014-01-14 | Initial commit (github/master) [kufikugel]2014-01-12 | su: Add pts as a dependency (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [Ricardo Cerqueira]

2014-01-14 | fb: fix force permanent menu button [Lars Greiss]

2014-01-14 | fast charge part2 [DerTeufel]

2014-01-14 | Adjust CONFIG_FB_S3C_NR_BUFFERS for bigmem [tchaari]

2014-01-14 | add smartassv2 [David Savage]

2014-01-14 | add fastcharge [David Savage]

2014-01-14 | added Simple I/O scheduler [broodplank]

2014-01-13 | Settings: Get Shortcut Name (2/2) [Jubakuba]

2014-01-13 | Revert "Fix fatal exception due to missing looper for current thread." [Lars Greiss]

2014-01-13 | Return: National Data Roaming [3/3] [Muhammed Nazim]

2014-01-13 | Return: National Data Roaming [1/3] [Muhammed Nazim]2014-01-16 | power: Add option to disable input boost (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/cm-11.0) [Ethan Chen]2014-01-16 | mfcdec: Compensate race condition in video thumbnail generation (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [Ricardo Cerqueira]

2014-01-13 | push to 2.3 [Lars Greiss]

2014-01-13 | Keep InCallUI in memory (3/3) [Pawit Pornkitprasan]2014-01-15 | Grant dev tools system permission to trigger media-scan service (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [Allen Shen]2014-01-17 | deb: Readd noauto_da_alloc to fix horrific I/O performance (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [steve Kondik]

2014-01-13 | Keep InCallUI in memory (2/3) [Pawit Pornkitprasan]

2014-01-13 | Keep InCallUI in memory (1/3) [Pawit Pornkitprasan]

2014-01-13 | hammerhead: change gps blobs [Lars Greiss]

2014-01-13 | Camera2: bring back support for Samsung HDR format [shareef Ali]2014-01-14 | ContactsCommon : Address loader reset bug (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [Danesh M]2014-01-11 | Updated Hungarian Translations (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [klasszsrac]2014-01-14 | Dialer: Fix missing add to contacts option in callstats (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [Lars Greiss]

2014-01-12 | SystemUI: Always show translucent decor on recents panel [htchoi1995]

2014-01-12 | su: pts: Fix mismatched return type [Ricardo Cerqueira]2014-01-16 | Avoid jumps to faulty position after seeks (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [Roger1 Jonsson]2014-01-19 | fb: force carrier label height on first boot (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [Lars Greiss]

2014-01-12 | Settings: Custom Tiles (2/2) [Jubakuba]

2014-01-12 | Revert "move bdroid bluetoothconfig to tuna board" [Lars Greiss]2014-01-18 | Revert "omap4-common: Include specialized copy of libskia for playback of Saved Webpages." (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [Andrew Jiang]2014-01-12 | Enable Bluetooth 4.0 (BLE) for toro (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [djMesias]2014-01-12 | Enable Bluetooth 4.0 (BLE) for toroplus (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [djMesias]2014-01-13 | Revert "tuna: we do not need this anymore" (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [Lars Greiss]

2014-01-12 | Revert "Enable BLE (Bluetooth Smart 4.0) for all tuna devices" [Lars Greiss]2014-01-15 | google play services library 4.0.30 (889083-30) (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [Lars Greiss]

2014-01-12 | QS: no need to rebuild the complete QS on orientationchange [Lars Greiss]

2014-01-12 | QS: fix wrong measurement on 4 or 5 tiles per row on settingspanelview [Lars Greiss]

2014-01-12 | push to 2.2 weekly [Lars Greiss]

2014-01-12 | InCallUI: add decline and answer incoming call action on notifications [Lars Greiss]

2014-01-12 | Framework: Custom Tiles (1/2) [Jubakuba]

2014-01-12 | Fix visibility of multiple non-fullscreen activities. [riddle_hsu]

2014-01-12 | Fix null pointer exceptions in NetworkPolicyEditor [behrooz Aliabadi]

2014-01-12 | Fix fatal exception due to missing looper for current thread. [Pradeep Panigrahi]

2014-01-12 | Fix a JNI local reference leak in MediaDrm [Patrik2 Carlsson]

2014-01-12 | fb: make QS again rtl aware [Lars Greiss]

2014-01-12 | Enable Bluetooth 4.0 (BLE) for tuna-based devices [Helvio Pedreschi]

2014-01-12 | Cursor leakage due to cancellation signal [Peter Eliasson]

2014-01-12 | Commits Ic011c5b9e10439fc900b1302f7e07dde494b2e5b and I159bd817ebcc39a0733f9433feb29b310adbc2aa translated to Russian [gwindlord]

2014-01-12 | Commit Ifdfa60b8257290c07e1861903e26c5dea715d036 translated to Russian [gwindlord]

2014-01-12 | Commit I4a36cf06bf252e5e15fe08fbd054dc64a0a507ae translated to Russian [gwindlord]

2014-01-12 | Commit I06d773aa87bd6c1b88077ad54333a58d03f783c8 translated to Russian [gwindlord]

2014-01-12 | Bluetooth: Set alias name only through Rename option [srinu Jella]

2014-01-12 | Bluetooth: Don't set a null alias before unpairing [Ethan Chen]

2014-01-12 | Add b-mobile APN [shota Tamura]

2014-01-11 | UsbDebuggingManager: Fix multiple NPEs toggling USB debugging [atl4ntis]

2014-01-11 | Updated Hungarian Translations [klasszsrac]

2014-01-11 | Updated Hungarian Translations [klasszsrac]

2014-01-11 | Updated Hungarian Translations [klasszsrac]

2014-01-11 | telephony: Add same named operator configuration for some operators [sungmin Choi]

2014-01-11 | SystemUI: add permission.CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE. [htchoi1995]

2014-01-11 | Swap volume buttons when the screen is rotated by 90 or 180 degrees [Laszlo David]

2014-01-11 | StatusBarWindow: Fix collapse using Back button [xLaMbChOpSx]

2014-01-11 | Show confirmation for deleted screenshot. [Kirill Rakhman]2014-01-19 | surfaceflinger: Consolidate display orientation compensation hooks (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [Ricardo Cerqueira]

2014-01-11 | Settings: reorder app security to top [Lars Greiss]

2014-01-11 | Settings: Minimum Vibration Duration (2/2) [Jubakuba]2014-01-13 | Updated SlimCenter Hun Translations (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [klasszsrac]2014-01-16 | Fix crash of torch app (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [Flamefire]

2014-01-11 | services: don't clear wallpaper when SystemUI disconnects. [Roman Birg]

2014-01-11 | Revert "SystemUI: update internal state right after hiding transient bars." [Lars Greiss]

2014-01-11 | Remove non intrusive incall ui [Lars Greiss]

2014-01-11 | Re-initialize error after attach [Daniel 2 Olofsson]

2014-01-11 | PhoneStatusBar: fix massive surface redraws due of animation race [Lars Greiss]

2014-01-11 | Keyguard: smooth background change derp fixes [Lars Greiss]

2014-01-11 | InCallUI: Incoming Call in Background (1/3) [Lars Greiss]

2014-01-11 | InCallActivity: consume back key on incoming call screen [Pawit Pornkitprasan]

2014-01-11 | Framework: Minimum Vibration Duration (1/2) [Jubakuba]

2014-01-11 | fix remaining blue dialog dividers [kroz]

2014-01-11 | Fix memory leak in PatchCache [sangkyu Lee]

2014-01-11 | fb: Incoming Call in Background (3/3) [Lars Greiss]

2014-01-11 | fb: fix multiuser bug in vibrator service [Lars Greiss]

2014-01-11 | fb: add config.xml option to permanently force permanent menu key [Lars Greiss]

2014-01-11 | Don't rely on gcc extensions [bernhard Rosenkränzer]

2014-01-11 | Crespo: Several updates [tchaari]2014-01-18 | I9100G: Refine SELinux PVR Policies (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [Andrew Jiang]2014-01-12 | Enable BLE (Bluetooth Smart 4.0) for Galaxy Nexus (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [Helvio Pedreschi]

2014-01-11 | CompoundButton: Let text can be changed by config [seongJae Park]

2014-01-11 | Commit Ie63fa1018ffb7bc419e4d7915419657de30f5b22 translated to Russian [gwindlord]

2014-01-11 | Commit I37238cf08141061bcca392e7deacfc0be23c3120 translated to Russian [gwindlord]

2014-01-11 | Add vendor files for SPR g2 ls980 from https://github.com/TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_lge/tree/cm-11.0 [arcardinal]2014-01-19 | push to 2.4 weekly (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [Lars Greiss]

2014-01-11 | Add Long-Click to Preference Tile [Muhammed Nazim]

2014-01-11 | Add explicit close of Scanner input [Michael Ollanketo]

2014-01-11 | [3/3] Flip to Mute/Reject Call [sasikumar D R]

2014-01-11 | [1/3] Flip to Mute/Reject Call [sasikumar D R]

2014-01-10 | Telephony: Incoming Call in Background (2/3) [Lars Greiss]

2014-01-10 | Remove non intrusive incall ui (3/3) [Lars Greiss]2014-01-19 | Return: Always show battery on Keyguard [2/2] [Muhammed Nazim]

2014-01-10 | Remove non intrusive incall ui 1/3 [Lars Greiss]2014-01-15 | track playservices (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [Lars Greiss]2014-01-18 | Update gps for ls980 and vs980 (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [arcardinal]

2014-01-10 | Remove non-intrusive dialoger for incoming calls (2/3) [Lars Greiss]2014-01-14 | exchange: Prevent policy provision NPE (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [Jorge Ruesga]2014-01-19 | If the decoding fails, change the inSampleSize to 1. (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [Ashok Raj Deenadayalan]

2014-01-10 | [2/3] Flip to Mute/Reject Call [sasikumar D R]

Download Slim-i9100-4.4.2.beta.2.4-WEEKLY-2451

Download Gapps


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4.4 built ist ja nun auch raus.

Nun eine Frage:

Ich dachte wenn ich Slim bean drauf habe , kriege ich die Updates OTA??

Scheint nicht zu funktionieren Zumindest bei mir.

Hab ewohl den Hinweis , das Updates verfügbar sind, jedoch tut sich nichts.

Hinweis ist auch in rot.

Muss ich ,wenn ich schon Slim Bean drauf habe, trotzdem über CWM installieren, so als würde ich zum ersten mal flashen??

Kann ich mir nicht wirklich vorstellen?

Dann ist ja wieder alles weg.

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Guten Morgen,

wenn du eine Slim Rom schon drauf hast, reicht eigentlich ein Cache und Dalvik Wipe.

Aber möchtest du von Android 4.3 oder niedriger auf Android 4.4.2 wechseln, dann würde ich auf alle Fälle beim 1mal ein Fullwipe machen.

Mit den OTA Updates ist so eine Sache, hatte auch schon einige Roms wo das nicht wirklich funktionierte. Woran das liegt, kann ich dir leider nicht sagen.

Der Thread ist nicht richtig tot. Aber es sind einfach sehr viele User, zu einen anderen Handy gewechselt. Das S2 ist ja jetzt doch schon etwas älter.

Hier ein neues Update :)


2014-02-09 | Tweak mpdecision values [Josue Rivera]

2014-02-09 | trds: fix blue call log header text color [kroz]2014-02-02 | Add WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE permission (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [Muhammed Nazim]

2014-02-09 | SystemUI: Slim Actions to Shortcuts (1/2) [Jubakuba]

2014-02-09 | Squash Strato's TouchWake [stratosk]

2014-02-09 | Show memory full text only for internal storage [samuel Asteberg]

2014-02-09 | Settings: SlimPie (2/2) [Lars Greiss]

2014-02-09 | Settings: Slim Actions to Shortcuts (2/2) [Jubakuba]

2014-02-09 | Settings: Fix QS unsupported options are shown if called from outside [Lars Greiss]

2014-02-09 | Settings: Fix Potential NPE [Jubakuba]

2014-02-09 | Settings: Add user protection and pie/navbar toggle to SlimActions [Lars Greiss]

2014-02-09 | Revert Showp's sweep to wake [Josue Rivera]

2014-02-09 | Revert part of g2: Update audio configuration [arcardinal]

2014-02-09 | Make sure to turn off led after pulse() [Oskar Andero]

2014-02-09 | hammerhead: disable or enable mpdecision dependend on the kernel [Lars Greiss]2014-02-03 | Crespo: add device specific advanced settings (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [tchaari]

2014-02-09 | hammerhead: disable or enable mpdecision dependend on the kernel [Lars Greiss]

2014-02-09 | grouper: Make the navigation bar pretty [Dimitris Mantzouranis]

2014-02-09 | g2: update thermal [houst0nn]

2014-02-09 | g2: update audio configuration [houst0nn]

2014-02-09 | Frameworks: SlimPie (1/2) [Lars Greiss]

2014-02-09 | Frameworks: Imagehelper...do a nicer resize with better quality [Lars Greiss]

2014-02-09 | Frameworks: fix qs and notification shade toggle on expanded desktop [Lars Greiss]

2014-02-09 | Frameworks: fix navbar and pie icons for tablets and RTL [Lars Greiss]

2014-02-09 | frameworks_base: translation - RU [gwindlord]

2014-02-09 | Frameworks: Add user protection and pie/navbar toggle to SlimActions [Lars Greiss]

2014-02-09 | Dialer: Open source google dialer and more (1/5) [Xiao-Long Chen]

2014-02-09 | cleanup config overlay [Jake Whatley]

2014-02-09 | BroadcastQueue: fix class typo of next receiver [Leavitt Zhang]

2014-02-08 | Telephony: Open source google dialer and more (3/5) [Xiao-Long Chen]

2014-02-08 | sound control: add faux sound .. squashed will update with all commits later too lazy right now [houst0nn]

2014-02-08 | Sensors: Add Avago APDS9930 driver [chohee.park]

2014-02-08 | rtc: qpnp-rtc: Add module parameter to control power-on alarm [Ashay Jaiswal]

2014-02-08 | regulator: qpnp-regulator: Don't print errors during probe deferral [David Collins]

2014-02-08 | power: qpnp-bms: Prevent SoC from being stuck after EoC [Xiaozhe Shi]

2014-02-08 | power: qpnp-bms: Fix SoC smoothing upon resume [Xiaozhe Shi]

2014-02-08 | power: qpnp-bms: detect constant voltage charging more accurately [Xiaozhe Shi]

2014-02-08 | power: qpnp-bms: Check for initialization of bms_psy [Xiaozhe Shi]

2014-02-08 | msm: smcmod: Added ioctl to decrypt PIL segment images [stanimir Varbanov]

2014-02-08 | msm: audio: qdsp6v2: Check return code from audio_aio_open() [Kuirong Wang]

2014-02-08 | msm: audio: initialize the structure before sending to user space [Ajay Dudani]

2014-02-08 | mdss: hdmi: Dynamic Audio re-configuration [Ajay Singh Parmar]

2014-02-08 | hwmon: qpnp-adc: Fix potential errors [siddartha Mohanadoss]

2014-02-08 | framework/base: Add EdgeGesture service. [Kyrylo Mikos]

2014-02-08 | Fix compilation errors due to faux sound [arcardinal]

2014-02-08 | fix blue selector for sw600dp devices [kroz]

2014-02-08 | arm/dt: msm8974-leds: Increase flash LED current [shuzhen Wang]

2014-02-07 | Update defconfigs for d802 and ls980 [arcardinal]

2014-02-07 | thermal: qpnp-adc: add tm channel irq disable feature [choongryeol.lee]

2014-02-07 | SoC: msm: qdsp6v2: return DEFER code when probe is not done [Fred Oh]

2014-02-07 | Soc: msm: qdsp6v2: Fix invalid params handling [Gopikrishnaiah Anandan]

2014-02-07 | Soc: msm: qdsp6v2: Fix invalid params handling [Gopikrishnaiah Anandan]

2014-02-07 | pm/sleep: lg u killing me.. let's remove this crap [houst0nn]

2014-02-07 | pm/sleep: Add wake lock api wrapper on top of wakeup sources [houst0nn]

2014-02-07 | msm: thermal: add wakelock for prevent repeat suspend [darren.kang]

2014-02-07 | msm: qdsp6v2: memset stack buffer allocation. [Mohammad Johny Shaik]

2014-02-07 | msm: qdsp6v2: Deleting kernel driver from arch/arm/mach-msm/qdsp6v2 [Asish Bhattacharya]

2014-02-07 | msm: qdsp6v2: Deleting kernel driver from arch/arm/mach-msm [Asish Bhattacharya]

2014-02-07 | msm: audio: qdsp6v2: Zero the cfg stack var [Kenneth Westfield]

2014-02-07 | msm: audio: qdsp6v2: memeset msm_audio_stats to zero [Kiran Kandi]

2014-02-07 | msm: audio: qdsp6v2: Change acdb_mmap size variable to unsigned [ben Romberger]

2014-02-07 | ASoC: wcd9xxx: use separate mutex for bandgap and clock get/put [Joonwoo Park]

2014-02-07 | ASoC: wcd9xxx: Update sound card's online/offline state [Joonwoo Park]

2014-02-07 | ASoC: wcd9xxx: Reset Tapan codec post adsp subsystem restart [Joonwoo Park]

2014-02-07 | ASoC: wcd9xxx: reinitialize codec irq after subsystem restart [Joonwoo Park]

2014-02-07 | ASoC: wcd9xxx: don't wait for mic volage to settle [Joonwoo Park]

2014-02-07 | ASoC: wcd9xxx: don't clear pending mbhc interrupt [Joonwoo Park]

2014-02-07 | ASoC: wcd9xxx: don't change clock frequency while bandgap/clock are on [Joonwoo Park]

2014-02-07 | ASoC: wcd9xxx: don't acquire BCL from codec driver [Joonwoo Park]

2014-02-07 | ASoC: wcd9320: Update headphone static gain in companding mode [Kuirong Wang]

2014-02-07 | ASoC: wcd9320: Add support for notification of codec events [Kiran Kandi]

2014-02-07 | ASoC: usb: change uevent value to digital USB HEADSET [sangwoo]

2014-02-07 | ASOC: qdsp6: Add pause/resume support for AAC encoder [sharad Sangle]

2014-02-07 | ASoC: pcm: Protect FE dai list during dai open/close [sangwoo]

2014-02-07 | ASoC: msm: qdsp6v2: Ignore unexpected events from dsp [Gopikrishnaiah Anandan]

2014-02-07 | ASoc: msm: qdsp6v2: add vm page offset validation [Fred Oh]

2014-02-07 | ASoC: msm: Ignore unexpected events from dsp [Gopikrishnaiah Anandan]

2014-02-07 | ASoC: msm: Add 24 bit support to Primary MI2S TX [Damir Didjusto]

2014-02-07 | ASoC: msm8x10-wcd: Add the internal bias for mic1 [quic_yandongy]

2014-02-07 | ASoC: core: Use driver core probe deferral [Mark Brown]

2014-02-07 | ALSA: core: free card runtime memory [Phani Kumar Uppalapati]

2014-02-07 | ALSA: core: Expose sound card online/offline state [Joonwoo Park]

2014-02-06 | Add defconfig for d803 [arcardinal]

2014-02-05 | Vpn: Setup routes. [brian Beloshapka]

2014-02-05 | thermal: tsens: Fix invalid set temperature check [siddartha Mohanadoss]

2014-02-05 | thermal: tsens: Add redundant fuse map support [siddartha Mohanadoss]

2014-02-05 | thermal: qpnp-adc-tm: Remove VADC_TM EOC [siddartha Mohanadoss]

2014-02-05 | thermal: qpnp-adc-tm: Reduce kernel log flood [siddartha Mohanadoss]

2014-02-05 | thermal: msm: tsens: Notify thermal framework on threshold cross [Praveen Chidambaram]

2014-02-05 | thermal: Fix sensor thresholds not accounted correctly [Praveen Chidambaram]

2014-02-05 | thermal: Add sensor API to allow any driver to set thresholds [Praveen Chidambaram]

2014-02-05 | qseecom: Validate inputs from user space [Mona Hossain]

2014-02-05 | qseecom: Rename & unifiy some enum definitions. [Hariprasad Dhalinarasimha]

2014-02-05 | qseecom: Remove debug messages [Zhen Kong]

2014-02-05 | qseecom: Fix QSEECOM_IOCTL_UNLOAD_EXTERNAL_ELF_REQ kernel crash [AnilKumar Chimata]

2014-02-05 | qseecom: Fix issues with qssecom_remove/exit APIs [AnilKumar Chimata]

2014-02-05 | qseecom: Fix error handling path in receive_req() [AnilKumar Chimata]

2014-02-05 | qseecom: Copy userspace buffer into kernel space before dereferencing [Hariprasad Dhalinarasimha]

2014-02-05 | qseecom: Check input buffer from IOCTL [Hariprasad Dhalinarasimha]

2014-02-05 | qseecom: Check for invalid registration of secapp region [Mona Hossain]

2014-02-05 | qseecom: Check for case where listener service is not found [Zhen Kong]

2014-02-05 | qseecom: Add NULL pointer check in qseecom_ioctl [AnilKumar Chimata]

2014-02-05 | qseecom: Add new IOCTLs to support secure UI feature [Hariprasad Dhalinarasimha]

2014-02-05 | qseecom: Add frequency scaling in send_service_cmd() [AnilKumar Chimata]

2014-02-05 | P51XX: Disable "BOARD_CHARGER_RES" to fix chargeing-animation [Andreas B]

2014-02-05 | msm: thermal: Set vdd restriction initialize level to -1 [Jennifer Liu]

2014-02-05 | msm: thermal: Relax temperature thresholds [myfluxi]

2014-02-05 | msm: thermal: Disable vdd restriction [myfluxi]

2014-02-05 | msm: thermal: Clean up msm cpufreq function calls [Jennifer Liu]

2014-02-05 | Frameworks: Open source google dialer and more (4/5) [Xiao-Long Chen]

2014-02-05 | Fix merge derp: Emulated storage should be mounted in the child, not the parent. [Danny Baumann]

2014-02-05 | Camera: Disable Camera Launcher when both Front and Back sensors are not detected [Rajaram Gudivada]

2014-02-04 | watchdog: Fix warning caused by use of smp_processor_id() [srivatsa Vaddagiri]

2014-02-04 | sysctl: add cold_boot sysctl entry [David Keitel]

2014-02-04 | synaptics: Update firmware images [Ricardo Cerqueira]

2014-02-04 | smp: Relax irqs_disable() warning in smp_call_function_single() [Matt Wagantall]

2014-02-04 | rtc: alarm: Set power-on alarm 120 sec before actual alarm time [Mohit Aggarwal]

2014-02-04 | qdsp5: memset stack buffer allocation. [Asish Bhattacharya]

2014-02-04 | platform/msm: qpnp-power-on: Implement cold_boot sysctl parameter [Prasad Sodagudi]

2014-02-04 | msm: smem: Update SMEM log dump_sym to indicate QMI modules [Zaheerulla Meer]

2014-02-04 | msm: Remove files no longer buildable under arch/arm/mach-msm [Mohammad Johny Shaik]

2014-02-04 | msm: qmi: Update the wait-for-response to UNINTERRUPTIBLE [Karthikeyan Ramasubramanian]

2014-02-04 | msm: qmi: Fix access-after-free condition [Zaheerulla Meer]

2014-02-04 | msm: kgsl: Release hang detect performance counters when not in use [Jordan Crouse]

2014-02-04 | msm: kgsl: Protect against a potential overflow in kgsl_sg_alloc [Jordan Crouse]

2014-02-04 | msm: kgsl: Add TSE performance counter to software hang detection [Tarun Karra]

2014-02-04 | msm: ipc: Serialize SMD XPRT CLOSE and OPEN events [Karthikeyan Ramasubramanian]

2014-02-04 | msm: ipc: Send Resume_Tx from the client/server context [Zaheerulla Meer]

2014-02-04 | msm: ipc: Return the error codes without modification [Karthikeyan Ramasubramanian]

2014-02-04 | msm: ipc: Return error value on send failure [Zaheerulla Meer]

2014-02-04 | msm: ipc: Pass the local service events to local clients [Karthikeyan Ramasubramanian]

2014-02-04 | msm: ipc: Make the kernel-space read operation as non-blocking [Zaheerulla Meer]

2014-02-04 | msm: ipc_logging: move deserialize function [Eric Holmberg]

2014-02-04 | msm: ipc_logging: Add ipc logging context destroy API [Arun Kumar Neelakantam]

2014-02-04 | msm: ipc: Initialize unused elements of control message to 0 [Karthikeyan Ramasubramanian]

2014-02-04 | msm: ipc: Handle the Resume_Tx events from remote endpoints [Zaheerulla Meer]

2014-02-04 | msm: ipc: Fix SKB ownership for failure case [Zaheerulla Meer]

2014-02-04 | msm: ipc: Fix potential AB-BA deadlock [Zaheerulla Meer]

2014-02-04 | msm: ipc: Fix memory leak [Zaheerulla Meer]

2014-02-04 | msm: ipc: Clean-up code redundancy [Arun Kumar Neelakantam]

2014-02-04 | msm: ipc: Cleanup a routing table entry under subsystem restart [Karthikeyan Ramasubramanian]

2014-02-04 | msm: ipc: Add support to handle version 2 header [Karthikeyan Ramasubramanian]

2014-02-04 | msm: ipc: Add HSIC Transport for off-chip communication [Karthikeyan Ramasubramanian]

2014-02-04 | msm: implement ARCH_RANDOM [Laura Abbott]

2014-02-04 | msm: Fix race condition in domain lookup [Olav Haugan]

2014-02-04 | msm: cpufreq: Move cpu_frequency_* trace points from acpuclock to cpufreq [Matt Wagantall]

2014-02-04 | msm: Add null-pointer checks for domains [Olav Haugan]

2014-02-04 | msm: acpuclock: Fix acpuclk_data null pointer dereference [Junjie Wu]

2014-02-04 | kernel: alarm: :fix the BUG that device automatically powers on [Figo Wang]

2014-02-04 | kernel: alarm: add dedicated alarm type for poweroff alarm [Figo Wang]

2014-02-04 | Kconfig: Add menu choice option to reclaim virtual memory [Neeti Desai]

2014-02-04 | Kconfig: Add config option to support vmalloc savings [Neeti Desai]

2014-02-04 | Fix bugreport toast spam. [Marcos Marado]

2014-02-04 | fb: restore navbar compatibility with several xposed modules [Lars Greiss]

2014-02-04 | fb: fix on tablets notification drawer height on custom image background [Lars Greiss]

2014-02-04 | drivers/staging: Configurable android log buffer sizes [bhargav Upperla]

2014-02-04 | cpufreq: Remove original grid-stepping implementation [Ricardo Cerqueira]2014-02-02 | Bluetooth: roll back phonebook sync changes (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [Lars Greiss]2014-02-01 | blue to grey browser's progress bar (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [kroz]2014-02-05 | Camera: fix crash on screen off-on on preview screen (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [Pawit Pornkitprasan]

2014-02-04 | cpufreq: ondemand: add input_boost interface [Dilip Gudlur]

2014-02-04 | cpufreq: interactive: resched timer if max freq raised [Lianwei Wang]

2014-02-04 | cpufreq: interactive: reduce chance of zero time delta on load eval [Todd Poynor]

2014-02-04 | cpufreq: interactive: handle errors from cpufreq_frequency_table_target [Todd Poynor]

2014-02-04 | cpufreq: interactive: fix uninitialized spinlock [Minsung Kim]

2014-02-04 | cpufreq: interactive: fix show_target_loads and show_above_hispeed_delay [Minsung Kim]

2014-02-04 | cpufreq: interactive: fix race on cpufreq TRANSITION notifier [Lianwei Wang]

2014-02-04 | cpufreq: interactive: fix crash on error paths in get_tokenized_data [Todd Poynor]

2014-02-04 | cpufreq: interactive: base above_hispeed_delay on target freq, not current [Todd Poynor]

2014-02-04 | cpufreq: interactive: avoid underflow on active time calculation [Minsung Kim]

2014-02-04 | cpufreq: interactive: allow arbitrary speed / delay mappings [Minsung Kim]

2014-02-04 | cpufreq: interactive: add io_is_busy interface [Lianwei Wang]

2014-02-04 | cpufreq: interactive: Add a sampling_down_factor for max frequencies [Rohit Gupta]

2014-02-04 | cpufreq: Add LG's new grid-stepping implementation [Ricardo Cerqueira]

2014-02-04 | cpufreq: Add cpu-boost driver [saravana Kannan]

2014-02-04 | cpufreq: Add a sync limit to cpu-boost [Rohit Gupta]

2014-02-04 | ContactsCommon: Open source google dialer and more (5/5) [Xiao-Long Chen]2014-02-01 | fix dialog blue divider (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [kroz]2014-02-05 | deskclock: internationalize repeat days layout (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [Jorge Ruesga]

2014-02-04 | arm: Add ARCH_RANDOM Kconfig [Laura Abbott]

2014-02-03 | fix remaining blue toggle [kroz]2014-02-09 | apps/Dialer: translation - RU (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [gwindlord]

2014-02-03 | False positives confuse and annoy users [blk_jack]2014-02-09 | Framworks: clean up the AOSP tablet icon mess [Lars Greiss]

2014-02-02 | Update Wifi / fstab props; Start FUSE daemon (storage) [Jiangyi]2014-02-08 | P5110: Build consumerIR module (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [Cody Ferber]2014-02-02 | Revert "camera: Hold 25 msec between preview cycles on restart" (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [Dimitris Mantzouranis]

2014-02-02 | track our power HAL now [Lars Greiss]

2014-02-02 | tilapia: update fingerprint [Lars Greiss]2014-02-09 | Update props list (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [arcardinal]2014-02-09 | Update LGE 4.4 sound from dr87 (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [arcardinal]

2014-02-02 | The draft still exists after forwarding mms to the same sender [yanglv]

2014-02-02 | Small update bump [Josue Rivera]

2014-02-02 | services/Telephony: translation - RU [gwindlord]

2014-02-02 | SELinux: More policies [Jiangyi]

2014-02-02 | SELinux: Fix typo in file_contexts [Jiangyi]

2014-02-02 | roll out RC2 [Lars Greiss]

2014-02-02 | Revert "smdk4412-common: camera: implement CAMERA_MSG_FOCUS_MOVE to report CAF" [Dimitris Mantzouranis]

2014-02-02 | Resize the image in background [c_nagarw]

2014-02-02 | Modify build optimizations based on showp's [Josue Rivera]

2014-02-02 | MMS: Fix The slideshow can't be shown in the message [kaiyiz]

2014-02-02 | Manifest: Add qrngd repo [Josue Rivera]2014-02-09 | charger: Squash a bunch of charger mods (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [jyates]2014-02-09 | g2: Update blobs from https://github.com/galbi-hammer/vendor_lge_galbi update g2 audio blobs from LG 4.4 VZW_17f_01 83510b1 (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [arcardinal]2014-02-02 | jf: update wifi blobs from gpe 4.4.2 (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [Dan Pasanen]

2014-02-02 | jf fixme [shareef Ali]

2014-02-02 | jf: add missing libCB (needed for renderscript) [Dan Pasanen]2014-02-09 | push version to RC3 (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [Lars Greiss]

2014-02-02 | InCallUI: do not use reflection [Lars Greiss]2014-02-03 | Fix to return to previous activity when a sms/mms notification is selected. [sindhu Kanathur]

2014-02-02 | grouper: update fingerprint [Lars Greiss]2014-02-09 | tilapia: Make the navigation bar pretty (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [Dimitris Mantzouranis]

2014-02-02 | Fix USB tethering [arcardinal]

2014-02-02 | Fix the issue that the top of fullscreen dialog is clipped away [Minoru Aoi]

2014-02-02 | Fixed cancel() not working correctly [jl1990]

2014-02-02 | Display message type properly for MMS and SMS [kaiyiz]

2014-02-02 | CommonMK: Update drawable settings [Vladislav Koldobskiy]

2014-02-02 | apps/Settings: translation - RU [gwindlord]

2014-02-02 | Add WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE permission [Muhammed Nazim]

2014-02-01 | Update init.g2.rc [arcardinal]

2014-02-01 | Update defconfig for 3.4.78 [Josue Rivera]

2014-02-01 | Update defconfig for 3.4.78 and bump version [arcardinal]

2014-02-01 | staging: comedi: 8255_pci: fix for newer PCI-DIO48H [ian Abbott]

2014-02-01 | staging: comedi: 8255_pci: fix for newer PCI-DIO48H [ian Abbott]

2014-02-01 | Settings: Super advanced Custom Toggle (2/2) [Jubakuba]2014-02-02 | Torch: add 2nd sysfs luminosity (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [Giulio Cervera]2014-02-01 | trds: fix white bg on email compose for sw600dp (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [kroz]2014-02-09 | Add Download Speeds in notification (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [Lasse Brudeskar Vikås]2014-02-09 | services/Telephony: translation - RU (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [gwindlord]

2014-02-01 | SELinux: Fix possible NULL pointer dereference in selinux_inode_permission() [steven Rostedt]

2014-02-01 | SELinux: Fix possible NULL pointer dereference in selinux_inode_permission() [steven Rostedt]

2014-02-01 | Revert g2: dexopt system to /cache [arcardinal]2014-02-09 | Remove hammerhead reference from device.mk (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [arcardinal]

2014-02-01 | Revert g2: add optimization [arcardinal]

2014-02-01 | perf/x86/amd/ibs: Fix waking up from S3 for AMD family 10h [Robert Richter]

2014-02-01 | perf/x86/amd/ibs: Fix waking up from S3 for AMD family 10h [Robert Richter]

2014-02-01 | nilfs2: fix segctor bug that causes file system corruption [Andreas Rohner]

2014-02-01 | nilfs2: fix segctor bug that causes file system corruption [Andreas Rohner]

2014-02-01 | Modify build optimizations based on showp's [Josue Rivera]

2014-02-01 | mm/memory-failure.c: recheck PageHuge() after hugetlb page migrate successfully [Jianguo Wu]

2014-02-01 | mm/memory-failure.c: recheck PageHuge() after hugetlb page migrate successfully [Jianguo Wu]

2014-02-01 | md/raid10: fix two bugs in handling of known-bad-blocks. [NeilBrown]

2014-02-01 | md/raid10: fix two bugs in handling of known-bad-blocks. [NeilBrown]

2014-02-01 | md/raid10: fix bug when raid10 recovery fails to recover a block. [NeilBrown]

2014-02-01 | md/raid10: fix bug when raid10 recovery fails to recover a block. [NeilBrown]

2014-02-01 | Mako: Always keep 3 buffers ready [Josue Rivera]2014-01-31 | hammerhead: disable or enable mpdecision dependend on the kernel (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [Lars Greiss]2014-02-09 | Mako: This is Mako not Hammerhead (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [Josue Rivera]

2014-02-01 | Linux 3.4.78 [Greg Kroah-Hartman]

2014-02-01 | Linux 3.4.78 [Greg Kroah-Hartman]

2014-02-01 | lib: Update RWSEM to Linux 3.10 [Andrei F]2014-01-31 | revert another hack for the previous misuse of __cpuinit for hotplug only functions (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [Lars Greiss]2014-02-09 | Bump for weekly (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [Josue Rivera]

2014-02-01 | libc: krait: Implement optimized versions of memmove and bcopy (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [brent DeGraaf]2014-02-08 | Fix custom fonts (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [Griffin Millender]2014-02-02 | deb: build mms package (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [Lars Greiss]2014-02-01 | Add the CM DSP library to the device-specific effects table (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [Joel Teichroeb]2014-02-09 | grouper: overlay cleanup We don't need this anymore (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [Dimitris Mantzouranis]

2014-02-01 | KVM: x86: Convert vapic synchronization to _cached functions (CVE-2013-6368) [Andy Honig]2014-02-08 | Revert arm/dt: msm8974-leds: Increase flash LED current This reverts commit 5c4676d601deb0ae26b53a9ac03aa314193b37e2 Pictures came out completly white when values are set at 1000. Reverting back to 625. (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [arcardinal]

2014-02-01 | KVM: x86: Convert vapic synchronization to _cached functions (CVE-2013-6368) [Andy Honig]

2014-02-01 | hwmon: (coretemp) Fix truncated name of alarm attributes [Jean Delvare]

2014-02-01 | hwmon: (coretemp) Fix truncated name of alarm attributes [Jean Delvare]

2014-02-01 | gallery: change typo '&&' to '||' [Leavitt Zhang]2014-02-09 | InCallUI: Open source google dialer and more (2/5) (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [Xiao-Long Chen]

2014-02-01 | Fix the send button disappearance after selecting the forward recipient [Ravi Paluri]

2014-02-01 | fix number picker blue line and highlight [kroz]

2014-02-01 | Fix Null pointer expection when Phone is in low memory [imran]2014-02-09 | apps/Settings: translation - RU (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [gwindlord]

2014-02-01 | Fix BLN path [tchaari]2014-02-07 | galaxys2: fix corrupt power off charging graphics (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [jyates]2014-01-31 | Prepare for remove uncommon stuff from init.smdk4x12.rc (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [simon Polack]2014-01-31 | n7100: init cleanup (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [Dimitris Mantzouranis]2014-02-07 | P51XX: fix corrupt power off charging graphics (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [jyates]

2014-02-01 | Camera2: Don't reset the focus mode when using TTF [Ricardo Cerqueira]2014-02-02 | Fix BT failed to enable issue. (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [Tan Jingjing]2014-02-07 | change pin color to white (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [kroz]

2014-02-01 | Camera2: add option to prevend autofocus cancel if preview stopped [Lars Greiss]2014-02-09 | trds: fix dark contacts for sw600dp devices (1/2) (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [kroz]2014-02-09 | trds: fix dark contacts for sw600dp devices (2/2) [kroz]

2014-02-01 | Add Honami lunch combo [Josue Rivera]

2014-02-01 | Add an option to maintain the focus mode when using touch-to-focus [Ricardo Cerqueira]

2014-01-31 | White emergency dialer [kroz]2014-02-05 | track own hardware qcom wlan (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [Lars Greiss]

2014-01-31 | implement noise suppression for phone calls (1/2) [codeworkx]

2014-01-31 | Frameworks: Fix Derp [Jubakuba]2014-02-05 | grouper: Better background gradients (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [Andrea Torlaschi]2014-02-09 | Tweak mpdecision values (HEAD, m/kk4.4, github/kk4.4) [Josue Rivera]

2014-01-31 | fix search textfield [kroz]




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