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Nvidia Shield Tablet - Temaseks inoffizielle CyanogenMod 13

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temasek's inoffizielle CM13 BUILDS

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Temasek V3.8





* vendor/shieldtablet
80c91c8 Update shieldtablet libs from the stock 4.0 ota

* android/
c52e467 Android 6.0.1_r13

* build/
3ead616 Merge branch 'cm-13.0' of github.com:CyanogenMod/android_build into cm-13.0
705e90f Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r13' into HEAD
567d6aa roomservice: check uniqueness by path, not name

* device/common/
e0e0d5b Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r13' into 13.0

* device/google/atv/
6ed67b2 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r13' into 13.0

* frameworks/av/
e0e9b8d Merge branch 'cm-13.0' of git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_frameworks_av into cm-13.0
fda1413 Revert "AudioMixer: delete reformatBuffer provider in proper order"
da6f52d AudioMixer: Clear bufferProviders in correct order
0276a2f audioflinger: Enable TEE_SINK compilation
77062b4 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r13' into HEAD
96985ed Combine 'DTS Sound (TruMedia) Postpro support in frameworks/av for Android 6.0' as a single patch.

* frameworks/base/
ca8e3fd am: Handle potential NPE when activity info can't be resolved.
6447d04 Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r13' into HEAD
581c55c base: fix window bounds for left hand navigationbar
1385df8 SystemUI: nuke broadcast tile from user tile list
1f9dd4f SystemUI: don't add already attached qs tile pages
a92ba52 SystemUI: smoother tile transitions when moving to 1st row
86a29d0 SystemUI: add flashlight notification reminder
5bcef7e Themes: Process applied themes before boot finishes
76f462c Add FDN enabled related API
023d223 IMS: Add Ims reason info codes for supplementary service failures
26792f3 IMS: Fix video call forwarding options issue
25b93f6 Add mapping string for call reject cause code 26.
b722db3 SysUI: Listen for changes to LIVE_LOCK_SCREEN_ENABLED

* frameworks/minikin/
bf5465a Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r13' into 13.0

* frameworks/opt/telephony/
3169f38 Merge branch 'cm-13.0' of git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_frameworks_opt_telephony into cm-13.0
9158cae IMS: Changes for VICE FR
0cacbf2 Add a setting for call deflect support
e2150d9 IMS: Add capability constant for add participant
e506270 IMS-VT: Add capability constants for downgrade to voice support
b004996 IMS: Default Implementation for ims interface listener
6a5d588 IMS: Add supplementary services (hold/resume) failure codes

* hardware/broadcom/wlan/
33a76dd Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r13' into 13.0

* hardware/intel/img/hwcomposer/
f8bb82a Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r13' into 13.0

* kernel/nvidia/shieldtablet/
34c569c Merge pull request #5 from fat-tire/cm-13.0

* packages/apps/InCallUI/
dae04d6 Merge branch 'cm-13.0' of github.com:CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_InCallUI into cm-13.0
f9d5a1a Fix a race-condition that causes incorrect call deflect status

* packages/apps/Messaging/
a53f97d QuickMessage: Forward port string improvements

* packages/apps/Settings/
86584f2 Build V3.8
1a3f635 Android 6.0.1_r13
6fe2e5a Settings: Cleanup lock screen settings
8a292f1 SimSettings: Disable entry for missing sim

* packages/apps/SetupWizard/
d40d8b8 SetupWizard: Fix test app building in 13
962f9a8 SetupWizard: RIP Whisperpush

* packages/apps/Snap/
569035d Snap: Don't crash when hardcoded gallery intent fails

* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
8a65082 Trebuchet: Close folder layout when adding shortcut

* packages/screensavers/Basic/
06c485f Create a live lock screen for Colors

* packages/services/Telecomm/
dbd0929 Merge branch 'cm-13.0' of github.com:CyanogenMod/android_packages_services_Telecomm into cm-13.0
d3a90b4 Ensure missed call notification isn't triggered for Blacklisted calls

* packages/services/Telephony/
928cd7d Merge branch 'cm-13.0' of github.com:CyanogenMod/android_packages_services_Telephony into cm-13.0
3d91a3b networksettings: Don't crash when the sim is ejected

* system/core/
ae362e6 Merge branch 'cm-13.0' of github.com:CyanogenMod/android_system_core into cm-13.0
0d7937a Merge tag 'android-6.0.1_r13' into 13.0

* vendor/cm/
765c07a Merge branch 'cm-13.0' of git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_vendor_cm into cm-13.0
f45bb5c Update pre-built V4A to
1442910 apns: Cricket AIO 310150: Remove duplicate

* vendor/cmsdk/
5d3443f Merge branch 'cm-13.0' of github.com:CyanogenMod/cm_platform_sdk into cm-13.0

* vendor/nvidia/
827f382 Update shieldtablet libs from the stock 4.0 ota


* android/
5f7eca6 Track own dalvik (from aosp)

* dalvik/
05e0bcb Remove dmtracedump from dalvik.
858c51c Remove libdex (including dexdump/list).

* frameworks/base/
614b933 Flip to Mute/Reject Call [1/3]
086c1b5 Make task manager button themeable

* kernel/nvidia/shieldtablet/
dcf80ac KEYS: Fix keyring ref leak in join_session_keyring()

* packages/apps/InCallUI/
da41b22 Flip to Mute/Reject Call [3/3]

* packages/apps/Settings/
c3fc738 Settings: Use correct icon for lock screen settings entry.
f20004d Bluetooth/Wifi: center empty view and set textAppearance to medium

* packages/services/Telephony/
2d28057 Flip to Mute/Reject Call [2/3]

* system/core/
c2b9b8d Revert "healthd: BatteryPropertiesRegistrar binder service ref count fixup"

* vendor/cm/
f2b4518 Merge branch 'cm-13.0' of git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_vendor_cm into cm-13.0


* art/
bc0133b Fix compile error
bfc2818 ART: remove fallthrough
1aa0c17 ART: Fix bug in DeadPhiHandling
252fd6b ART: Make dex2oat timing a bit more granular
fc772e8 ART: Fix destruction order in Runtime.
6b48d9e ART: Include zero-padding in String::SizeOf().
93a4386 ART: Abort if malloc() fails in SwapAllocator::allocate().
a7a69aa ART: (Partially) fix lock aliasing
c1fdbd0 Remove unused WorkStealing thread pool
f109405 Clean up some includes
5a6f46c Fix oatdump after ArtMethod change.
6440921 Added next condition check to branch instruction
0194e2d Make oatdump work with .art files and code generated by Optimizing.
9354cbb Disable sanitization of dex2oat on device.
3889512 ART: Simplify (Not)Equal bool vs. int to true/false
a7e645a ART: Compiler generated GC map should take care of temp registers.
ee66fd7 Use GetOffsetDuringLinking instead of GetOffset.
bb1ae68 base: Fix an infinite loop in HashSet::Insert
e851e3b ART: Fix potential integer overflow in JNI.
73d3d0d Remove unnecessary std::move from test_dex_file_builder
83642ed Move dmtracedump from dalvik to art.
fc2a7a1 Fix hash set memory leaks
a72a9ff Fix C++14 bitrot.
a37e8a4 Delegate long-to-float type conversions to the runtime on ARM.
8edfda0 Fix race condition for method root marking in VisitNativeRoots
6b2beb0 ART: Improve Indenter performance.
00e81f2 Make sure debug flags mirror non-debug flags
5596671 art: Disable Some Debugging
575e325 Disable Clang

* bionic/
192d16c Disable Clang
11b37bf Remove gnu99

* build/
79dac7d Revert "releasetools: add compatibility for full ota functions with incrementals"
22f2286 Merge branch 'cm-13.0' of github.com:CyanogenMod/android_build into cm-13.0

* external/libpng/
e24118c More spam

* frameworks/base/
386cc71 Fix a bug checking cid before install external storage package
3619610 Lockscreen fonts: set correct default value [1/2]

* hardware/qcom/audio/default/
9347736 Revert "hal: Set maximum channel count for msm8960"

* packages/apps/OmniSwitch/
7e03acc Fix build
442ad10 OmniSwitch: bugfix update 01/2016
c58284f OmniSwitch: add translations by @ShevT and @Fast0n

* packages/apps/Settings/
b4be240 Lockscreen fonts: set correct default value [2/2]

* system/core/
b93a058 Change Permissions to CPUs/Governors

* vendor/cmsdk/
c17ac38 CMSettingsProvider: Update app icon

* vendor/nvidia/
80c91c8 Move some roth touch stuff around to match sepolicy changes.


* build/
e129b5e releasetools: add compatibility for full ota functions with incrementals
1a1555c releasetools: Use the first entry of a mount point when reading fstab

* frameworks/base/
36b3fc4 FBW: Add DancingScript / ComingSoon / NotoSerif to Statusbar Temp (1/2)
c78f825 FBW: Add DancingScript / ComingSoon / NotoSerif to Statusbar Clock (1/2)
b305a28 Taskmanager: Reduce Logging
c4a6398 SystemUI: add better hints when trying to delete edit tile

* hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8916/
617b218 Merge remote-tracking branch 'caf/LA.BR.1.2.6_rb1.8' into cm-13.0-caf-8916

* hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8916/
d95fa42 Merge remote-tracking branch 'caf/LA.BR.1.2.6_rb1.8' into cm-13.0-caf-8916
845cb50 gralloc: allow forcing old pixel alignment
696adeb gralloc: fall back to old pixel alignment on old blobs

* hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8916/
19a2e7f Merge remote-tracking branch 'caf/LA.BR.1.2.6_rb1.8' into cm-13.0-caf-8916

* packages/apps/CMFileManager/
e0318a5 Cleanup permission strings again

* packages/apps/Messaging/
005a261 Messaging: Port of quick message from MMS

* packages/apps/Settings/
cdca7d0 Add DancingScript / ComingSoon / NotoSerif to Statusbar Temp (2/2)
7dad842 Add DancingScript / ComingSoon / NotoSerif to Statusbar Clock (2/2)

* packages/apps/Snap/
7c3f01e Improve maps app string

* packages/apps/Stk/
f61ae60 Launcher: Present STK app name if possible
e2d12df Update layout to Material

* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
b68836f Add additional setting to launcher options for remote apps in drawer.

* packages/providers/ThemesProvider/
767ac8c Prevents extra thumbnails in Lockscreen component

* system/core/
e705009 Merge branch 'cm-13.0' of github.com:CyanogenMod/android_system_core into cm-13.0
0d7baec fastboot: add Zuk to the list of known vendors

* vendor/cm/
92a49a9 apns: T-Mobile 310260: Compatibility update



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Trafalgar Square

Temasek V3.9



* android/
1bb2ff2 Track own external/javasqlite
7156d40 Track own external/webp
0272466 Track own frameworks/opt/net/wifi

* build/
1fa3d27 Merge branch 'cm-13.0' of github.com:CyanogenMod/android_build into cm-13.0
63eabff envsetup: dopush: fix error when device is not connected

* external/toybox/
b90823e Don't exit with failure code when cp ownership preservation fails

* frameworks/base/
837bf21 add routing for explicit call transfer
b9e85bc Battery: Show battery fully charged notification
b254d29 Fix pattern visibility settings (1/2)
5d2100c String update, change wording from "Mobile" to "Cellular"
4f233fe Default time format is hard coded to 24
897303a Show 4G instead of LTE switch (FWB part)
90c38d2 SystemUI: HeadsUp whitelists (2/3)
ac479ce SystemUI: HeadsUp blacklists (2/3)
c1256a7 Frameworks: Restart last task if last task is dead
ece65f1 SystemUI: Allow clearing recents tasks within recents button
cbb52e1 Frameworks: Lockscreen blur fix & tweak

* frameworks/opt/net/wifi/
88d6a64 Kill wpa_supplicant before load driver
4630b19 Fix invalid offset error

* packages/apps/Settings/
a24fb69 Forward port pattern visibility settings (2/2)
6e8ae9e String update, change wording from "Mobile" to "Cellular"
3c52bb1 Bluetooth: Underp "Accept all files" setting
169ef74 Settings: HeadsUp whitelists (3/3)
9a9d96c Settings: HeadsUp blacklists (3/3)

* packages/apps/SetupWizard/
d6b937a SetupWizard : Don't update locale if sim locked

* packages/apps/Trebuchet/
15d3632 Trebuchet: Fix background flicker when opening all apps
de0af4b Trebuchet: Fix adapter derp on grid size item
2d9c49d Trebuchet: Use DisplayMetrics density for scale factor

* packages/services/Telecomm/
3ecc34c Merge branch 'cm-13.0' of github.com:CyanogenMod/android_packages_services_Telecomm into cm-13.0
0e98a58 Telecom: add transfer call interface

* packages/services/Telephony/
2ebfb97 Merge branch 'cm-13.0' of github.com:CyanogenMod/android_packages_services_Telephony into cm-13.0
5a11264 Telephony: only add vmail sim slot indicator with multi sim
a4e0e84 String update, change wording from "Mobile" to "Cellular"
75585c0 Show 4G instead of LTE switch (Telephony part)

* prebuilts/cmsdk/
4634337 prebuilts/cmsdk: Update for latest minor stable release.

* vendor/cm/
2596b66 Show 4G instead of LTE switch (vendor_cm part)

* vendor/cmsdk/
94c3f2d Merge branch 'cm-13.0' of github.com:CyanogenMod/cm_platform_sdk into cm-13.0
a6ce9b8 cmsdk: Annotate a few zenmode tests as flaky.
9c35cdb CMSettings: HeadsUp whitelists (1/3)
9e43b25 CMSettings: HeadsUp blacklists (1/3)


* android/
c52e467 Android 6.0.1_r13

* art/
0e70d29 Revert "Disable sanitization of dex2oat on device."
caa9879 Revert "Move dmtracedump from dalvik to art."

* bootable/recovery/
3b963ad recovery: Fix media wipe

* build/
f784fcd Merge branch 'cm-13.0' of github.com:CyanogenMod/android_build into cm-13.0
47a95cb Revert "releasetools: Use the first entry of a mount point when reading fstab"
c1d802f Revert "releasetools: add compatibility for full ota functions with incrementals"

* dalvik/
de9eaac Revert "Remove libdex (including dexdump/list)."
ca051b5 Revert "Remove dmtracedump from dalvik."

* device/nvidia/shieldtablet/
e066649 Merge branch 'cm-13.0' of CM-Shield/android_device_nvidia_shieldtablet into

* frameworks/base/
196537e PermissionGrant: Introduce Support for flashing Gapps
887c984 fw: Make sure to get the actual ringtone uri per subId.
f696a25 nms: Actually allow smsRingtone to work.
52a5f8e SystemUI : Show create profile if user doesn't have one setup
1ec1c7a Automatic translation import
c268447 Tethering: Turn off Wi-Fi Hotspot after inactivity (1/3)
21f29b4 Alarm: add missing closedir after opendir when searching for RTC
ae26c09 close file in PersistentDataBlockService jni
ca8e3fd am: Handle potential NPE when activity info can't be resolved.

* frameworks/opt/hardware/
bb99ef5 hardware: Add UniqueDeviceId support

* frameworks/opt/telephony/
580ed32 Merge branch 'cm-13.0' of git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_frameworks_opt_telephony into cm-13.0
cb7c1f5 telephony: Set multi-rat default to true.
a966679 SIMRecords: Treat empty SPN fields as null and proceed with the fallbacks
6119c4c SIMRecords: If there's no EF_SPN record, fallback to EF_PNN
3169f38 Merge branch 'cm-13.0' of git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_frameworks_opt_telephony into cm-13.0

* hardware/cyanogen/
3083116 cmhw: Add UniqueDeviceId implementation

* hardware/libhardware_legacy/
17d8e9f wifi: Ensure supplicant stopped in wifi_stop_supplicant

* hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8974/
b8c0285 Merge branch 'LA.BF.1.1.3_rb1.9' of git://codeaurora.org/platform/hardware/qcom/display into cm-13.0

* kernel/nvidia/shieldtablet/
afc5a2a Update defconfig for stock 4.0 update
45ca7e3 KEYS: Fix keyring ref leak in join_session_keyring()
c394fbc Update cyanogenmod defconfig with stocks ikconfig
9a8a5ef Add cyanogenmod defconfig

* packages/apps/Bluetooth/
b165172 Merge branch 'cm-13.0' of github.com:CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_Bluetooth into cm-13.0

* packages/apps/BluetoothExt/
e2ee41e Merge branch 'cm-13.0' of github.com:CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_BluetoothExt into cm-13.0

* packages/apps/CMFileManager/
b73f0c1 Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/DeskClock/
4ffb13d Automatic translation import
474327d deskclock: internationalize repeat days layout

* packages/apps/Eleven/
9afedcf Automatic translation import

* packages/apps/InCallUI/
ef1b621 Merge branch 'cm-13.0' of github.com:CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_InCallUI into cm-13.0
dae04d6 Merge branch 'cm-13.0' of github.com:CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_InCallUI into cm-13.0

* packages/apps/Messaging/
b5157d2 Messaging: Don't add quick reply for MMS

* packages/apps/Screencast/
f8d2302 Merge branch 'cm-13.0' of github.com:CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_Screencast into cm-13.0

* packages/apps/Settings/
6302b52 Build V3.9
6b6d640 Lockscreen: Show redaction interstitial when swipe selected
4fd5b18 Settings : Recompute highlight index upon changes
588b18c Settings : Show search on all panels
12fde96 LiveLockScreen: Add live lock screen settings
7d39f8c Automatic translation import
7392a77 Tethering: Turn off Wi-Fi Hotspot after inactivity (3/3)
0431910 [3/3]Settings: add "Accept all files" option for incoming files via BT
6f0bca5 Merge pull request #401 from beroid/cm-13.0
113c66c Settings: Update RU translations
86584f2 Build V3.8
1a3f635 Android 6.0.1_r13

* packages/apps/SetupWizard/
228ffe7 String update, change wording from "Mobile" to "Cellular"
a11d936 Automatic translation import
1353951 SetupWizard: Remove useless WhisperPushUtils

* packages/providers/DownloadProvider/
203ba0d Automatic translation import

* packages/services/Telecomm/
bbcca44 Merge branch 'cm-13.0' of github.com:CyanogenMod/android_packages_services_Telecomm into cm-13.0
dbd0929 Merge branch 'cm-13.0' of github.com:CyanogenMod/android_packages_services_Telecomm into cm-13.0

* packages/services/Telephony/
e89809a Merge branch 'cm-13.0' of github.com:CyanogenMod/android_packages_services_Telephony into cm-13.0
68b7c7a telephony: Set multi-rat default to true.
87d7846 telephony: Allow default ssn toast notifications to be overlaid.
928cd7d Merge branch 'cm-13.0' of github.com:CyanogenMod/android_packages_services_Telephony into cm-13.0

* system/core/
ae362e6 Merge branch 'cm-13.0' of github.com:CyanogenMod/android_system_core into cm-13.0

* system/vold/
06904dc cryptfs: run e2fsck/fsck.f2fs in fsck domain

* vendor/cm/
460fcdc Add "APP REMOVAL" Script - Remove SetupWizard.apk
7368e41 Merge branch 'cm-13.0' of git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_vendor_cm into cm-13.0
34b5b97 cm: Add live lockscreen feature
765c07a Merge branch 'cm-13.0' of git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_vendor_cm into cm-13.0
f45bb5c Update pre-built V4A to

* vendor/cmsdk/
a889561 Merge branch 'cm-13.0' of github.com:CyanogenMod/cm_platform_sdk into cm-13.0
eb82dbf cmsdk: cmhw: Add UniqueDeviceId support
2b3ad74 Merge branch 'cm-13.0' of github.com:CyanogenMod/cm_platform_sdk into cm-13.0
5d3443f Merge branch 'cm-13.0' of github.com:CyanogenMod/cm_platform_sdk into cm-13.0





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